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Minimal calculator with Boost Spirit X3

I am trying to write a minimalistic calculator example using Boost spirit X3. I find the official examples that do exactly this confusing because they seemingly use a lot of unnecessary boilerplate code to define and evaluate the AST and there are subtle syntax changes across versions of X3.

Here's some pseudo code outlining what I want to do:

  using namespace boost::spirit::x3;

  std::string Test("1 + (3 - 2)");

  auto first = Test.begin();
  auto last = Test.end();

  rule<class dash_expr> const dash_expr("dash_expr");
  rule<class factor_expr> const factor_expr("factor_expr");

  auto const dash_expr_def = factor_expr
                           >> *( (char_('+') >> dash_expr)
                               | (char_('-') >> dash_expr)

  auto const factor_expr_def = uint_
                             | '(' >> dash_expr >> ')'

  BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(dash_expr, factor_expr);

  ascii::space_type space;

  bool r = phrase_parse(

First of all, this does not compile with a current version of boost because BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE causes a "expected expression" error. Additionally, how do I evaluate the resulting AST without defining a plethora of additional types and operations? Older Boost Spirit Qi examples suggest that it is possible to simply use "inline" expressions like (char_('+') >> dash_expr) [_val += _1]. Is this feature deprecated? How do I turn my pseudo code into a working example that outputs the correct result 2 using the least amount of additional lines of code?


  • Q. First of all, this does not compile with a current version of boost because BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE causes a "expected expression" error.

    That's because registering rule definitions specializes function templates. It needs to be at namespace scope.


    Q. Additionally, how do I evaluate the resulting AST without defining a plethora of additional types and operations? Older Boost Spirit Qi examples suggest that it is possible to simply use "inline" expressions like (char_('+') >> dash_expr) [_val += _1]. Is this feature deprecated?

    No. It's just not implemented in X3. The semantic actions have been simplified many times and are now regular lambdas. Due to that, the compilation overhead of a Proto based DSL for semantic actions seems redundant.

    Q. How do I turn my pseudo code into a working example that outputs the correct result 2 using the least amount of additional lines of code?

    Basically, by adding some code. I see some more things that can be simplified. I could show you a few variants.

    One that may interest you is a simple header file (similar to the new Boost Lambda2 proposal) that implements the core of Boost Phoenix for X3.

    Simple Cakes First

    The straight forward approach is to "just do the work". To make it less cumbersome, I'll emply a macro. I'll also implement a few more binary operators:

    Live On Compiler Explorer

    #include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <iomanip>
    namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
    using V = int32_t;
    namespace Parser {
        x3::rule<struct expr, V> const   expr{"expr"};
        x3::rule<struct simple, V> const simple{"simple"};
        x3::rule<struct factor, V> const factor{"factor"};
        auto assign = [](auto& ctx) { _val(ctx) = _attr(ctx); };
        #define BINOP(op, rhs) (x3::lit(#op) >> x3::as_parser(rhs) \
            [([](auto& ctx) { _val(ctx) = _val(ctx) op _attr(ctx); })])
        auto simple_def = x3::double_ | '(' >> expr >> ')';
        auto factor_def = simple[assign] >>
            *(BINOP(*, factor) 
            | BINOP(/, factor) 
            | BINOP(%, factor));
        auto expr_def = factor[assign] >>
            *(BINOP(+, expr) 
            | BINOP(-, expr));
        BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(expr, factor, simple)
    } // namespace Parser
    V evaluate(std::string_view text) {
        V value{};
        if (!phrase_parse(text.begin(), text.end(), Parser::expr >> x3::eoi,
                        x3::space, value))
            throw std::runtime_error("error in expression");
        return value;
    int main() {
        for (auto expr : {
                "1 + (3 - 2)",
                "1 * 3 - 2",
                "17 % 5 - 2",
                "17 % (5 - 2)",
                "1 - 5 * 7",
                "(1 - 5) * 7",
                "((1 - 5) * 7)",
            std::cout << std::quoted(expr) << "\t-> " << evaluate(expr) << "\n";


    "1 + (3 - 2)"   -> 2
    "1 * 3 - 2"     -> 1
    "17 % 5 - 2"    -> 0
    "17 % (5 - 2)"  -> 2
    "1 - 5 * 7"     -> -34
    "(1 - 5) * 7"   -> -28
    "((1 - 5) * 7)" -> -28


    Without warranty of any kind, here's for inspiration:

    Live demo on Wandbox:

    OUTPUT: 0 ← "1 + ( 2 - 3 )"
    OUTPUT: 6.25 ← "( ( 1 + ( 2 - 3 ) + 5 ) / 2 ) ^ 2"
    OUTPUT: 14 ← "5 + ( ( 1 + 2 ) * 4 ) - 3"
    OUTPUT: 7 ← "3+4"
    OUTPUT: 11 ← "3+4*2"
    OUTPUT: 11 ← "3+(4*2)"
    OUTPUT: 14 ← "(3+4)*2"
    OUTPUT: 128 ← "2*2* 2* 2  * 2\t*2\n*2"
    Expecting ')' in "(2"
        ^--- here
    Expecting term in "(2+/"
         ^--- here
    Expecting term in "42*()"
          ^--- here
    Expecting ')' in "(2*2* 2* 2  * 2\t*2\n*2"
        ^--- here
    • File test.cpp

       //#define BOOST_SPIRIT_X3_DEBUG
       #include <iostream>
       #include <iomanip>
       #include <string_view>
       #include "quote_esc.hpp"
       #include "phoeni_x3.hpp"
       namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
       namespace parsing {
       #pragma GCC diagnostic push
       #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wparentheses"
           using namespace PhoeniX3::placeholders;
           using Value = double;
           using x3::expect;
           x3::rule<struct _e, Value> expr   { "expr"   };
           x3::rule<struct _x, Value> expo   { "exponentation" };
           x3::rule<struct _t, Value> term   { "term"   };
           x3::rule<struct _f, Value> factor { "factor" };
           auto simple = x3::rule<struct _s, Value> {"simple"} 
               = x3::double_ [_val = _attr] 
               | '(' >> expect[term][_val = _attr] > ')'
           auto expo_def   = simple [_val = _attr] >> *(
                               '^' >> expect[expo] [ _val ^= _attr ]
           auto factor_def = expo [_val = _attr] >> *(
                                 '*' >> expect[factor] [_val *= _attr]
                               | '/' >> expect[factor] [_val /= _attr])
           auto term_def = factor [_val = _attr] >> *(
                                 '+' >> expect[term] [_val += _attr]
                               | '-' >> expect[term] [_val -= _attr])
           auto expr_def = x3::skip(x3::space)[ x3::eps > term > x3::eoi ];
           BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(expr, term, factor, expo)
           using expectation_failure = x3::expectation_failure<std::string_view::const_iterator>;
       #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
       int main() {
           for (std::string_view text : {
                   "1 + ( 2 - 3 )", //OUTPUT: 0.0
                   "( ( 1 + ( 2 - 3 ) + 5 ) / 2 ) ^ 2", //OUTPUT: 6.25
                   "5 + ( ( 1 + 2 ) * 4 ) - 3", //OUTPUT: 14.0
                   "2*2* 2* 2  * 2\t*2\n*2",
                   "(2*2* 2* 2  * 2\t*2\n*2",
           try {
               std::cout << "----------------------------------------------\n";
               double result;
               if (parse(text.begin(), text.end(), parsing::expr, result)) {
                   std::cout << "OUTPUT: " << result << " ← " << quote_esc(text) << "\n";
               } else {
                   std::cout << "Unparsed expression " << quote_esc(text) << "\n";
           } catch(parsing::expectation_failure const& ef) {
               auto pos = ef.where() - text.begin();
               // isolate a line
               auto sol = text.find_last_of("\r\n", pos) + 1;
               auto eol = text.find_first_of("\r\n", pos);
                   << "Expecting " << ef.which() << " in " << quote_esc(text)
                   << "\n  " << text.substr(sol, eol)
                   << "\n  " << std::string(pos - sol, ' ') << "^--- here\n";
    • File phoeni_x3.hpp

       #pragma once
       #include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
       namespace PhoeniX3 {
           namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
           // base facilities
           void eval(void); // ADL enable
           // for instance-only operator overloads
           template <typename T>
           struct _base_type {
               using self = T;
               using base = _base_type;
               template <typename U> auto operator=(U&&) const;
               template <typename Ctx> decltype(auto) operator()(Ctx& ctx)/*&&*/ {
                   return eval(ctx, self{});
           // placeholders
           struct _val_type  : _base_type<_val_type>  {using base::operator(); using base::operator=;};
           struct _attr_type : _base_type<_attr_type> {using base::operator(); using base::operator=;};
           template <int N>
           struct _atc_type  : _base_type<_atc_type<N>> {
               using base = _base_type<_atc_type>;
               using base::operator();
               using base::operator=;
           namespace placeholders {
               _val_type    static const _val  {};
               _attr_type   static const _attr {};
               _atc_type<0> static const _1    {};
               _atc_type<1> static const _2    {};
               _atc_type<2> static const _3    {};
               _atc_type<3> static const _4    {};
               _atc_type<4> static const _5    {};
               _atc_type<5> static const _6    {};
               _atc_type<6> static const _7    {};
               _atc_type<7> static const _8    {};
               _atc_type<8> static const _9    {};
           // expression types
           template <typename L, typename R, typename Op> struct BinExpr : _base_type<BinExpr<L,R,Op> > { 
               using BinExpr::base::operator(); 
               using BinExpr::base::operator=;
           namespace tag {
               struct _add; struct _add_assign;
               struct _sub; struct _sub_assign;
               struct _mul; struct _mul_assign;
               struct _div; struct _div_assign;
               struct _exp; struct _exp_assign;
               struct _assign;
           template <typename L, typename R> BinExpr<L, R, tag::_exp_assign> operator^=(L&&, R&&) { return {}; }
           template <typename L, typename R> BinExpr<L, R, tag::_add_assign> operator+=(L&&, R&&) { return {}; }
           template <typename L, typename R> BinExpr<L, R, tag::_sub_assign> operator-=(L&&, R&&) { return {}; }
           template <typename L, typename R> BinExpr<L, R, tag::_mul_assign> operator*=(L&&, R&&) { return {}; }
           template <typename L, typename R> BinExpr<L, R, tag::_div_assign> operator/=(L&&, R&&) { return {}; }
           template <typename L, typename R> BinExpr<L, R, tag::_exp> operator&(L&&, R&&) { return {}; }
           template <typename L, typename R> BinExpr<L, R, tag::_add> operator+(L&&, R&&) { return {}; }
           template <typename L, typename R> BinExpr<L, R, tag::_sub> operator-(L&&, R&&) { return {}; }
           template <typename L, typename R> BinExpr<L, R, tag::_mul> operator*(L&&, R&&) { return {}; }
           template <typename L, typename R> BinExpr<L, R, tag::_div> operator/(L&&, R&&) { return {}; }
           template <typename L> template <typename R>
               auto _base_type<L>::operator=(R&&) const { return BinExpr<L, R, tag::_assign>{}; }
           template <typename Ctx>        auto&& eval(Ctx& ctx, _val_type) { return x3::_val(ctx); }
           template <typename Ctx>        auto&& eval(Ctx& ctx, _attr_type) { return x3::_attr(ctx); }
           template <typename Ctx, int N> auto&& eval(Ctx& ctx, _atc_type<N>) { return boost::fusion::at_c<N>(x3::_attr(ctx)); }
           template <typename L, typename R, typename Ctx> auto eval(Ctx& ctx, BinExpr<L, R, tag::_add>)    { return eval(ctx, L{}) + eval(ctx, R{}); }
           template <typename L, typename R, typename Ctx> auto eval(Ctx& ctx, BinExpr<L, R, tag::_sub>)    { return eval(ctx, L{}) - eval(ctx, R{}); }
           template <typename L, typename R, typename Ctx> auto eval(Ctx& ctx, BinExpr<L, R, tag::_mul>)    { return eval(ctx, L{}) * eval(ctx, R{}); }
           template <typename L, typename R, typename Ctx> auto eval(Ctx& ctx, BinExpr<L, R, tag::_div>)    { return eval(ctx, L{}) / eval(ctx, R{}); }
           template <typename L, typename R, typename Ctx> auto eval(Ctx& ctx, BinExpr<L, R, tag::_exp>)    { return pow(eval(ctx, L{}), eval(ctx, R{})); }
           template <typename L, typename R, typename Ctx> auto eval(Ctx& ctx, BinExpr<L, R, tag::_assign>) { return eval(ctx, L{}) = eval(ctx, R{}); }
           template <typename L, typename R, typename Ctx> auto&& eval(Ctx& ctx, BinExpr<L, R, tag::_add_assign>) { return eval(ctx, L{}) += eval(ctx, R{}); }
           template <typename L, typename R, typename Ctx> auto&& eval(Ctx& ctx, BinExpr<L, R, tag::_sub_assign>) { return eval(ctx, L{}) -= eval(ctx, R{}); }
           template <typename L, typename R, typename Ctx> auto&& eval(Ctx& ctx, BinExpr<L, R, tag::_mul_assign>) { return eval(ctx, L{}) *= eval(ctx, R{}); }
           template <typename L, typename R, typename Ctx> auto&& eval(Ctx& ctx, BinExpr<L, R, tag::_div_assign>) { return eval(ctx, L{}) /= eval(ctx, R{}); }
           template <typename L, typename R, typename Ctx> auto&& eval(Ctx& ctx, BinExpr<L, R, tag::_exp_assign>) { return eval(ctx, L{}) = pow(eval(ctx, L{}), eval(ctx, R{})); }
    • File quote_esc.hpp

       #pragma once
       #include <ostream>
       #include <iomanip>
       template <typename T>
       struct quote_esc {
           T sv;
           quote_esc(T sv):sv(std::move(sv)) {}
           friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, quote_esc const& esc) {
               os << '"';
               for(uint8_t ch : std::string_view(
                   switch(ch) {
                       case '"' : os << "\\\""; break;
                       case '\r': os << "\\r";  break;
                       case '\n': os << "\\n";  break;
                       case '\b': os << "\\b";  break;
                       case '\0': os << "\\0";  break;
                       case '\t': os << "\\t";  break;
                       case '\f': os << "\\f";  break;
                       default: os << ch;
               return os << '"';