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Simple OData Client - create OrderBy expression at runtime?

Simple OData queries are straightforward if everything is known at compile time. I have learned how to build expressions at runtime for purposes of filtering, but I have not quite figured out how to build an OrderBy expression at runtime?

Example mockup of a query (dynamic filter expression):

var empls = await client.For<MyModel>("MyTable")
                    .Skip((request.Page - 1) * request.PageSize)

If I knew at compile time what order was needed I could add a .OrderBy() clause. But since the user decides the sorting at runtime, I need to build an expression for ordering.

To dynamically build the filter passed above I used ODataExpression<> object. I'm looking for equivalent capability to pass to an order clause (if that exists?).


  • I noticed another OrderBy() overload of the Fluent client interface:

    OrderBy(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, bool>> columns);

    If you need dynamic multi-level ordering, you can create a List<KeyValuePair<string, bool>> and populate it with KeyValuePair<string, bool> objects where the string is the field specification and the bool is false for ASCENDING and true for DESCENDING sorts.

    Just be sure that your string uses the forward slash "/" as the field path separator rather than the period.

    Sorting hierarchy will be in the order that you added the KeyValuePairs to the list. So if you want to sort by:

    1. Person.LastName ASC
    2. Person.FirstName ASC
    3. Person.EmployerName DESC

    you just add the objects to the list in the above order, as you would expect passing false, false, true for the booleans.