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How to get only Odata.Count without value

Is there any way I can get only count of the data in response payload without any value array?

I am using ODataV4.0 with Webapi 2.2. Currently it returns all the values and count when I query something like: http://odata/People?$count=true

I just need something like "@odata.count":1, "value":[] or without "value".

Is the only way to have function for this job?


  • Set the $top to zero and $count to true.

    For example:$count=true&$top=0

    returns the count but no results

        "@odata.context": "$metadata#Customers",
        "@odata.count": 91,
        "value": []

    Count is calculated after applying the $filter, but without factoring in $top and $skip.

    For example:$count=true&$top=0&$filter=Country%20eq%20%27Germany%27

    informs you that there are 11 results where the Country is 'Germany', but without returning any records in the response.