I was checking out the following tutorial: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/martinkearn/archive/2015/03/10/using-odata-query-syntax-with-web-api.aspx
And I was curious if there was support in swagger ui somehow to show the query parameters.
Essentially I wanted all calls tagged with [EnableQueryAttribute] attribute to have swagger ui for inputting query parameters and I don't want to add these parameters to the method call I still want them to be in the URL and pulled out for the Owin context.
Any suggestions?
The chosen answer is out of data. With .NET 5, use this instead:
class EnableQueryFilter : IOperationFilter
static List<OpenApiParameter> s_Parameters = (new List<(string Name, string Description)>()
( "$top", "The max number of records."),
( "$skip", "The number of records to skip."),
( "$filter", "A function that must evaluate to true for a record to be returned."),
( "$select", "Specifies a subset of properties to return. Use a comma separated list."),
( "$orderby", "Determines what values are used to order a collection of records."),
( "$expand", "Use to add related query data.")
}).Select(pair => new OpenApiParameter
Name = pair.Name,
Required = false,
Schema = new OpenApiSchema { Type = "String" },
In = ParameterLocation.Query,
Description = pair.Description,
public void Apply(OpenApiOperation operation, OperationFilterContext context)
if (context.ApiDescription.ActionDescriptor.EndpointMetadata.Any(em => em is Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData.Query.EnableQueryAttribute))
operation.Parameters ??= new List<OpenApiParameter>();
foreach (var item in s_Parameters)
You will then need to register the filter:
services.AddSwaggerGen(c =>