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The Id cannot be computed, since the navigation source 'values' cannot be resolved to a known entity set from model

I am accessing my OData service with following metadata (simplified and obfuscated to the relevant part), this is generated by using Microsoft.AspNet.OData :

<Edmx xmlns:edmx="" Version="4.0">
        <Schema xmlns="" Namespace="MyProject.Api.Models">
            <EntityType Name="ValuesContainer">
                    <PropertyRef Name="id" />
                <Property Name="id" Type="Edm.Guid" Nullable="false" />
                <NavigationProperty Name="values" Type="Collection(MyProject.Api.Models.Value)"/>
            <EntityType Name="Value">
                    <PropertyRef Name="id"/>
                <Property Name="value" Type="Edm.String" />
                <Property Name="id" Type="Edm.Guid" Nullable="false" />
                <Property Name="valuesContainerId" Type="Edm.Guid"/>
                <NavigationProperty Name="valuesContainer" Type="MyProject.Api.Models.ValuesContainer">
                    <ReferentialConstraint Property="valuesContainerId" ReferencedProperty="id"/>

Some example the output it generates:

    "@odata.context": "https://localhost:5002/v1/odata/$metadata#ValuesContainer(values())",
    "value": [
            "id": "2996e6ea-3e72-4b4c-8b3b-b076e34f6dac",
            "values": [
                    "value": "Hello world",
                    "valuesContainerId": "2996e6ea-3e72-4b4c-8b3b-b076e34f6dac",
                    "id": "3d10fcfa-27a2-4c21-7e01-08d783bf6c40"

When I try to get a ValuesContainer via using the Simple.Odata.Client I receive the following error:

Microsoft.OData.ODataException: 'The Id cannot be computed, since the navigation source 'values' cannot be resolved to a known entity set from model.'

Part where the exception is thrown:

namespace Simple.OData.Client.V4.Adapter
    public class ResponseReader : ResponseReaderBase
private ODataEntryAnnotations CreateAnnotations(ODataResource odataEntry)
            string id = null;
            Uri readLink = null;
            Uri editLink = null;
            if (_session.Adapter.GetMetadata().IsTypeWithId(odataEntry.TypeName))
// Over here my exception occurs, calculating the odataEntry.Id.AbsoluteUri
                    id = odataEntry.Id.AbsoluteUri;
                    readLink = odataEntry.ReadLink;
                    editLink = odataEntry.EditLink;
                catch (ODataException)
/// Yep, the library contains this typo
                    // Ingored

            return new ODataEntryAnnotations
                Id = id,
                TypeName = odataEntry.TypeName,
                ReadLink = readLink,
                EditLink = editLink,
                ETag = odataEntry.ETag,
                MediaResource = CreateAnnotations(odataEntry.MediaResource),
                InstanceAnnotations = odataEntry.InstanceAnnotations,

Is my metadata wrong and/or is there a workaround for this? It's not really required to solve it, but having that many exceptions thrown during runtime causes too much overhead as these are expensive operations.


  • Found the solution, had to add the Contained attribute to my Value.