X3 newbie here. Two questions:
<attributes>[[1, 9, 2, ., 1, 6, 8, ., 1, 1, 1, ., 1, 1, 1], [8, 0]]</attributes>
, when I expect something like this <attributes>[[1, 9, 2, ., 1, 6, 8, ., 1, ., 1], [8, 0]]</attributes>
, but this seems wrong and probably causes errors of first question. (x3::repeat(1)[x3::digit]
is used because it seems I can'not just use x3::digit instead, because it would fail rule collapsing ?)#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp>
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
namespace ast
struct ip_port
std::string host;
boost::optional<std::string> port;
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(ast::ip_port, host, port)
namespace parser
template <typename T> auto as = [](auto name, auto p) { return x3::rule<struct _, T> {name} = p; };
const auto dec_octet = as<std::string>("dec_octet",
x3::char_('2') >> x3::char_('5') >> x3::char_('0', '5')
| x3::char_('2') >> x3::char_('0', '4') >> x3::digit
| x3::char_('1') >> x3::digit >> x3::digit
| x3::char_('1', '9') >> x3::digit
| x3::repeat(1)[x3::digit] // awkward way to force sequence from single char, but can't use x3::digit
const auto ipv4address = as<std::string>("ipv4address",
dec_octet >> x3::char_('.') >> dec_octet >> x3::char_('.') >> dec_octet >> x3::char_('.') >> dec_octet
const auto ip = as<std::string>("host", ipv4address);
const auto port = as<std::string>("port", +x3::digit);
const auto ip_port = as<ast::ip_port>("ip_port", ip >> -((':') >> port));
template <typename T, typename Parser>
bool parse(const std::string& in, const Parser& p)
T parsed;
auto iter = in.begin();
auto end_iter = in.end();
bool res = x3::parse(iter, end_iter, p, parsed);
return res && (iter == end_iter);
int main()
std::cerr << std::boolalpha << parse<ast::ip_port>(std::string{""}, parser::ip_port) << '\n';
Debug output:
<attributes>[1, 9, 2]</attributes>
<attributes>[1, 6, 8]</attributes>
<attributes>[1, 1, 1]</attributes>
<attributes>[1, 1, 1]</attributes>
<attributes>[1, 9, 2, ., 1, 6, 8, ., 1, 1, 1, ., 1, 1, 1]</attributes>
<attributes>[1, 9, 2, ., 1, 6, 8, ., 1, 1, 1, ., 1, 1, 1]</attributes>
<attributes>[8, 0]</attributes>
<attributes>[[1, 9, 2, ., 1, 6, 8, ., 1, 1, 1, ., 1, 1, 1], [8, 0]]</attributes>
Q. 1. Why the result contains repeated "1,1,1"s, like so: [[1, 9, 2, ., 1, 6, 8, ., 1, 1, 1, ., 1, 1, 1], [8, 0]], when I expect something like this [[1, 9, 2, ., 1, 6, 8, ., 1, ., 1], [8, 0]]
It's been 7 days since the last time people ran into this pitfall:
It's the age-old "container attributes aren't atomic" pitfall:
- boost::spirit::qi duplicate parsing on the output
- Understanding Boost.spirit's string parser
- Parsing with Boost::Spirit (V2.4) into container
You can paper over it using
. Or you can revise your strategy.
Like in that case, I'd advise to use raw
to get the underlying source sequence instead.
Q. 2. [...] not so awkward [...]
The intermediate step would be
const auto dec_octet = x3::raw [ x3::uint_parser<uint8_t>{} ];
Boom. Use the fact that X3 is a highlevel parser generator. Don't do the nitty gritty, error prone work. In fact, you could simply
const x3::uint_parser<std::uint8_t> dec_octet{};
Which defers the "stringification" to the point where it's needed:
const x3::uint_parser<std::uint8_t> dec_octet{};
const x3::uint_parser<std::uint16_t> port{};
const auto ipv4address = x3::raw [
dec_octet >> '.' >> dec_octet >> '.' >> dec_octet >> '.' >> dec_octet ];
const auto ip_port = as<ast::ip_port>("ip_port", ipv4address >> -(':' >> port));
Note the use of uint16_t
for the port, x3::eoi
to expect full parse, removal of explicit rule/conversions:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/io.hpp>
#include <boost/optional/optional_io.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
namespace ast {
struct ip_port {
std::string host;
boost::optional<uint16_t> port;
using boost::fusion::operator<<;
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(ast::ip_port, host, port)
namespace parser {
const x3::uint_parser<uint8_t> dec_octet {};
const x3::uint_parser<uint16_t> port {};
const auto ipv4address = x3::raw[dec_octet >> '.' >> dec_octet >> '.'
>> dec_octet >> '.' >> dec_octet];
const auto ip_port = ipv4address >> -(':' >> port) >> x3::eoi;
template <typename Parser, typename Attr>
static inline bool parse(std::string_view in, Parser const& p, Attr& result)
return x3::parse(in.begin(), in.end(), p, result);
auto parse_ipport(std::string_view in)
ast::ip_port result;
if (!parse(in, parser::ip_port, result))
throw std::invalid_argument("ipv4address");
return result;
int main()
for (auto input : { "", "", ":" }) {
std::cerr << parse_ipport(input) << std::endl;
( 80)
( --)
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::invalid_argument'
what(): ipv4address
Aborted (core dumped)
Simplifying the code some more by removing the optional
( 80)
( 0)
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::invalid_argument'
what(): ipv4address
Note: your grammar doesn't match all RFC compliant ip v4 addresses. E.g.
is valid for
or 0x7f.1
Either fix it for real or don't re-invent the wheel, using boost::asio::ip::address_v4::from_string
or even boost::asio::ip::address::from_string
and getting IPv6 support for free.