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Googlesheets function - IMPORTXML Xpath difficulties for column text within Yahoo Finance

Creating a ticker scanner tool on googlesheets with mainly google finance and yahoo finance. No difficulties with index(importhtml()) and other functions however I can't manage to find the correct Xpath when using importxml. I have no background in html or Xpath so I am a novice but I understand the basics behind it from troubleshooting recently.


I am trying to pull in text information about SECTOR, INDUSTRY and the DESCRIPTION which is on the right hand side (about half way down the page). It seems to be within a column which may be causing me trouble. Using Chrome inspect to retrieve XML but also tried several chrome extensions which didn't work either.

This is what I got when copying Xpath (short and long versions)



Business Summary:


Also tried shortening the /div with //p but doesn't work anyway.

I played around and used //body/div//div/p which retrieved news data from the middle of the page.

Wondering if someone could help me adjust or explain what I am doing wrong and point me in the right direct.


  • this will never work with IMPORTXML / IMPORHTML formulae because elements you are trying to import are controlled by JavaScript which google sheets can't process.

    enter image description here