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Google Sheet SUMIF returning an error! statement

pretty new to google sheets, my question could seems awkward but i'm struggling with a sumif in google sheets.

I'm using a sumif to sum up some values with a simple condition and i struggle to find the right way to do it. Assuming the documentation i do it well but i must be missing something because the result is always : ERROR!

See the example below

enter image description here

The example is simple, applying exactly what the documentation says but still not working.

I tried to make the cell format number for the condition, still not working.

I tried to make the condition a string by typing "=1", still not work. I tried to use a cell value in the condition B5 for example, still not working.. I'm desperate, i don't understand why this simple example is still not working.

If someone could help it will save my time.


  • Chances are that your spreadsheet is using a locale that expects formula arguments to be separated with semicolons instead of commas, like this:

    =sumif(B5:B10; 1; C5:C10)

    You can set the locale in File > Settings > Locale.