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Find the list of different values in 2 tables by id key

I have 2 tables with the same IDs but different values for some cells. I want to find the different values on the new tab in the following format: Id, sheet1_field, sheet2_field, sheet1_data, sheet2_data.

What is the best way to do this?

Please find the example and the expected result in the following spreadsheet -


  • You may try:

    =let(Λ,tocol(,1), reduce(Λ,Sheet1!B2:index(Sheet1!E:E,match(,0/(Sheet1!A:A<>""))),lambda(a,x,vstack(if(iserr(+a),Λ,a),let(r,row(x),c,column(x),z,index(Sheet1!A:A,r),

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