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Boost point_circle coming out in weird shapes

I'm attempting to create a 10m radius polygon on Earth using Boost's Geometry library.

Here's the tutorial.

To compile this example, I used Wandbox with the latest Clang and Boost 1.73.0.

I first discovered the issue in my production environment, which is Clang 12 and Boost 1.71.0.

Using a 1000m radius circle with 32 points yields expected results:

enter image description here

Shrinking that down to 10m however has unexpected results:

enter image description here

I used a WKT playground to display the results, and have confirmed that results are the same in other visualisation tools.

It seems to be a floating point rounding error, but everything here should be using double-precision floats which are more than enough to represent GPS coordinates. Something seems to be going wrong with the calculation.

The same thing happens with boost::geometry::point_circle using a radius of 0.0001.

What's going on, and should I just calculate the circle manually instead?

Edit 1

It gets even weirder if you use bg::area to calculate the area. I tried on a '10m' radius circle drawn around POINT(4.9 52.1) and got an area of 25984.4m. I tried the same at POINT(4.9 52.1000001) and got -1122.14.

See the following playground:

Edit 2

I discovered that the issue with displaying the polygon is separate to the issue of the calculated area being incorrect. In fact, the display issue is as a result of rounding when printing to stdout. By increasing the precision of decimals, or using std::fixed, the display issue is resolved.

std::cout << std::fixed << bg::wkt(result) << std::endl;


  • To my understanding there are two sources of inaccuracy, the area algorithm and the geographic buffer over a point algorithm.

    Regarding the former proposes a fix. Using this fix the above error function ( returns less than 1% relative error. The following piece of code extends this by using strategies.

    #include <boost/geometry.hpp>
    #include <cmath>
    #include <iostream>
    template <typename CT>
    void error_function(CT area, CT theoreticalArea)
        std::cout << "area: " <<  area << " m², ";
        std::cout << "error: " <<  area - theoreticalArea << " m²,\t";
        std::cout << "normalised error: " <<  fabs(100 * (area - theoreticalArea)
            / theoreticalArea) << "%" << std::endl;
    template <typename F, typename DegreeOrRadian>
    void do_test(int n, F radius, F offset = {}) {
        namespace bg = boost::geometry;
            << "----- " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
            << " n:" << n << " radius:" << radius << " offset:" << offset
            << " ----\n";
        bg::model::point<F, 2, bg::cs::geographic<bg::degree> > Amsterdam { 4.9, 52.1 + offset };
        typedef bg::model::point<F, 2, bg::cs::geographic<DegreeOrRadian> > point;
        // Declare the geographic_point_circle strategy (with n points)
        // Default template arguments (taking Andoyer strategy)
        bg::strategy::buffer::geographic_point_circle<> point_strategy(n);
        // Declare the distance strategy (ten metres, around the point, on Earth)
        bg::strategy::buffer::distance_symmetric<F> distance_strategy(radius);
        // Declare other necessary strategies, unused for point
        bg::strategy::buffer::join_round    join_strategy;
        bg::strategy::buffer::end_round     end_strategy;
        bg::strategy::buffer::side_straight side_strategy;
        // Declare/fill a point on Earth, near Amsterdam
        point p;
        bg::convert(Amsterdam, p);
        // Create the buffer of a point on the Earth
        bg::model::multi_polygon<bg::model::polygon<point> > result;
        bg::buffer(p, result,
                    distance_strategy, side_strategy,
                    join_strategy, end_strategy, point_strategy);
        auto area = bg::area(result);
        auto areat = bg::area(result,bg::strategy::area::geographic<bg::strategy::thomas>());
        auto areav = bg::area(result,bg::strategy::area::geographic<bg::strategy::vincenty>());
        auto areak = bg::area(result,bg::strategy::area::geographic<bg::strategy::karney>());
        // Assumes that the Earth is flat, which it clearly is.
        // A = n/2 * R^2 * sin(2*pi/n) where R is the circumradius
        auto theoreticalArea = n * radius * radius * std::sin(2.0 * 3.142 / n) / 2.0;
        std::cout << "reference: " << bg::dsv(Amsterdam)  << std::endl;
        std::cout << "point: " << bg::dsv(p)  << std::endl;
        std::cout << "radius: " <<  radius << " m" << std::endl;
        error_function(area, theoreticalArea);
        error_function(areat, theoreticalArea);
        error_function(areav, theoreticalArea);
        error_function(areak, theoreticalArea);
    int main() {
        double offset = 1e-7;
        int n = 8;
        do_test<double,      boost::geometry::degree>(n, 10.);
        do_test<long double, boost::geometry::degree>(n, 10.);
        do_test<double,      boost::geometry::radian>(n, 10.);
        do_test<long double, boost::geometry::radian>(n, 10.);
        do_test<double,      boost::geometry::degree>(n, 10., offset);
        do_test<long double, boost::geometry::degree>(n, 10., offset);
        do_test<double,      boost::geometry::degree>(n, 1000.);
        do_test<double,      boost::geometry::degree>(n, 1000., offset);
        do_test<double,      boost::geometry::degree>(n, 1.);
        do_test<long double, boost::geometry::degree>(n, 1.);

    which returns:

    ----- void do_test(int, F, F) [with F = double; DegreeOrRadian = boost::geometry::degree] n:8 radius:10 offset:0 ----
    reference: (4.9, 52.1)
    point: (4.9, 52.1)
    radius: 10 m
    area: 281.272 m²,   error: -1.59991 m²,     normalised error: 0.565596%
    area: 282.843 m²,   error: -0.0284134 m²,   normalised error: 0.0100446%
    area: 281.749 m²,   error: -1.12206 m²,     normalised error: 0.396666%
    area: 282.843 m²,   error: -0.028415 m²,    normalised error: 0.0100452%
    ----- void do_test(int, F, F) [with F = long double; DegreeOrRadian = boost::geometry::degree] n:8 radius:10 offset:0 ----
    reference: (4.9, 52.1)
    point: (4.9, 52.1)
    radius: 10 m
    area: 283.57 m²,    error: 0.698736 m²,     normalised error: 0.247015%
    area: 282.843 m²,   error: -0.0284201 m²,   normalised error: 0.010047%
    area: 283.568 m²,   error: 0.696594 m²,     normalised error: 0.246258%
    area: 282.843 m²,   error: -0.0284255 m²,   normalised error: 0.0100489%
    ----- void do_test(int, F, F) [with F = double; DegreeOrRadian = boost::geometry::radian] n:8 radius:10 offset:0 ----
    reference: (4.9, 52.1)
    point: (4.9, 52.1)
    radius: 10 m
    area: 282.715 m²,   error: -0.156633 m²,    normalised error: 0.0553726%
    area: 282.843 m²,   error: -0.0286857 m²,   normalised error: 0.0101409%
    area: 280.578 m²,   error: -2.29311 m²,     normalised error: 0.810656%
    area: 282.843 m²,   error: -0.0286896 m²,   normalised error: 0.0101423%
    ----- void do_test(int, F, F) [with F = long double; DegreeOrRadian = boost::geometry::radian] n:8 radius:10 offset:0 ----
    reference: (4.9, 52.1)
    point: (4.9, 52.1)
    radius: 10 m
    area: 283.135 m²,   error: 0.263058 m²,     normalised error: 0.0929955%
    area: 282.843 m²,   error: -0.0287086 m²,   normalised error: 0.010149%
    area: 283.164 m²,   error: 0.292786 m²,     normalised error: 0.103505%
    area: 282.843 m²,   error: -0.0287018 m²,   normalised error: 0.0101466%
    ----- void do_test(int, F, F) [with F = double; DegreeOrRadian = boost::geometry::degree] n:8 radius:10 offset:1e-07 ----
    reference: (4.9, 52.1)
    point: (4.9, 52.1)
    radius: 10 m
    area: 281.749 m²,   error: -1.12206 m²,     normalised error: 0.396666%
    area: 282.843 m²,   error: -0.0283973 m²,   normalised error: 0.010039%
    area: 281.749 m²,   error: -1.12206 m²,     normalised error: 0.396666%
    area: 282.843 m²,   error: -0.0284534 m²,   normalised error: 0.0100588%
    ----- void do_test(int, F, F) [with F = long double; DegreeOrRadian = boost::geometry::degree] n:8 radius:10 offset:1e-07 ----
    reference: (4.9, 52.1)
    point: (4.9, 52.1)
    radius: 10 m
    area: 283.569 m²,   error: 0.697826 m²,     normalised error: 0.246694%
    area: 282.843 m²,   error: -0.0284078 m²,   normalised error: 0.0100427%
    area: 283.568 m²,   error: 0.696529 m²,     normalised error: 0.246235%
    area: 282.843 m²,   error: -0.0283946 m²,   normalised error: 0.010038%
    ----- void do_test(int, F, F) [with F = double; DegreeOrRadian = boost::geometry::degree] n:8 radius:1000 offset:0 ----
    reference: (4.9, 52.1)
    point: (4.9, 52.1)
    radius: 1000 m
    area: 2.82843e+06 m²,   error: -284.28 m²,  normalised error: 0.0100498%
    area: 2.82843e+06 m²,   error: -284.27 m²,  normalised error: 0.0100494%
    area: 2.82843e+06 m²,   error: -284.259 m², normalised error: 0.0100491%
    area: 2.82843e+06 m²,   error: -284.27 m²,  normalised error: 0.0100494%
    ----- void do_test(int, F, F) [with F = double; DegreeOrRadian = boost::geometry::degree] n:8 radius:1000 offset:1e-07 ----
    reference: (4.9, 52.1)
    point: (4.9, 52.1)
    radius: 1000 m
    area: 2.82843e+06 m²,   error: -284.372 m², normalised error: 0.010053%
    area: 2.82843e+06 m²,   error: -284.27 m²,  normalised error: 0.0100494%
    area: 2.82843e+06 m²,   error: -284.282 m², normalised error: 0.0100499%
    area: 2.82843e+06 m²,   error: -284.27 m²,  normalised error: 0.0100494%
    ----- void do_test(int, F, F) [with F = double; DegreeOrRadian = boost::geometry::degree] n:8 radius:1 offset:0 ----
    reference: (4.9, 52.1)
    point: (4.9, 52.1)
    radius: 1 m
    area: 2.81749 m²,   error: -0.0112205 m²,   normalised error: 0.396663%
    area: 2.8285 m²,    error: -0.000219998 m², normalised error: 0.0077773%
    area: 2.83391 m²,   error: 0.0051987 m²,    normalised error: 0.183783%
    area: 2.82848 m²,   error: -0.000234082 m², normalised error: 0.00827521%
    ----- void do_test(int, F, F) [with F = long double; DegreeOrRadian = boost::geometry::degree] n:8 radius:1 offset:0 ----
    reference: (4.9, 52.1)
    point: (4.9, 52.1)
    radius: 1 m
    area: 2.83535 m²,   error: 0.00663946 m²,   normalised error: 0.234717%
    area: 2.82844 m²,   error: -0.000278463 m², normalised error: 0.00984417%
    area: 2.83392 m²,   error: 0.005205 m²,     normalised error: 0.184006%
    area: 2.82842 m²,   error: -0.000294424 m², normalised error: 0.0104084%

    Some comments:

    • the use of different strategies (i.e. algorithms that perform the geographic computations in boost geometry) controls the accuracy but also the performance of algorithms.
    • there is still an issue in geographic buffer, feel free to file an issue on github to keep it in track
    • the "theoreticalArea" is accurate only for small areas, as the area grows the boost geometry algorithms are expected to be more accurate than that area.
    • the Earth is not flat ;)