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C++ - Why is this implementation of fibonacci memoization using map so slow?

I am trying to implement a fibonacci function in c++ using memoization. My implementation works but is extremely slow. Why is my implementation so slow? I've seen a similar implementations in javascript using an object for memoization and they were blazing fast. Is it because I used the map data structure?

#include <iostream>
#include <map>

unsigned int fib(unsigned short n, std::map<unsigned short, unsigned int> memo = {});

int main(void)
    for (unsigned short i = 0; i <= 50; i++)
        std::cout << i << " " << fib(i) << std::endl;

unsigned int fib(unsigned short n, std::map<unsigned short, unsigned int> memo)
    if (memo.find(n) != memo.end())
        return memo.find(n)->second;
    if (n <= 2)
        return 1;

        std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned int>(
            n, fib(n - 1, memo) + fib(n - 2, memo)));

    return memo.find(n)->second;


  • , std::map<unsigned short, unsigned int> memo)

    that is a copy of a map.

    You are copying your memoization map every call, then forgetting anything you added to it.

    unsigned int fib(unsigned short n, std::map<unsigned short, unsigned int>* memo = nullptr);
    unsigned int fib(unsigned short n, std::map<unsigned short, unsigned int>* pmemo)
      std::map<unsigned short, unsigned int> local;
      auto& memo = pmemo?*pmemo:local;

    then pass &memo to the recursive call of fib.

    This uses up a touch of extra stack space on each recursive call, but only worth worrying about if you are doing 100,000+ calls.

    unsigned int fib(unsigned short n)
      std::map<unsigned short, unsigned int> memo = {
      std::vector<unsigned short> todo = {n};
      while (!todo.empty()) {
        // solved?
        if (memo.find(todo.back()) != memo.end())
        unsigned short a = todo.back()-1;
        unsigned short b = todo.back()-2;
        auto ita = memo.find(a);
        auto itb = memo.find(b);
        // solved?
        if (ita != memo.end() && itb !=  memo.end())
           memo.insert( {todo.back(), ita->second+itb->second} );
        todo.push_back(b); // could skip this actually
      return memo.find(n)->second;

    this is an example of manually maintaining the "call stack" of things todo instead of using recursive calls.