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Delay/latency in synchronous boost asio with unix socket

I write a client-server app which uses asynchronous boost asio networking (boost::asio::async_write and boost::asio::async_read) on server side and synchronous calls (boost::asio::write and boost::asio::read) on the client end. Because underneath I use protocol buffers, if I want to send a buffer from the client, first I send the payload size, then in the second call the payload body. Pseudocode for the client end:

void WriteProtobuf( std::string && body )
  boost::system::error_code ec;
  std::size_t dataSize = body.size();
  // send the size
  boost::asio::write( socket, boost::asio::buffer( reinterpret_cast<const char *>( &dataSize ), sizeof( dataSize ) ), ec );
  // send the body
  boost::asio::write( socket, boost::asio::buffer(, body.size() ), ec );

Pseudocode for the server end:

void ReadProtobuf()
  std::size_t requestSize;
  std::string body;
  // read the size
  boost::asio::async_read( socket, boost::asio::buffer( &requestSize, sizeof( requestSize ) ), [&requestSize, &body]() { // read the size
    body.resize( requestSize );
    // read the body
    boost::asio::async_read( socket, boost::asio::buffer(, body.size() ), []() {
        /* ... */

Now, it works just fine, but I observe a ~40ms latency in the second boost::asio:write call. I found an easy but not clean solution to work it around. I added the "confirmation" byte send from the server between the calls of write from client:

Pseudocode for the client end:

void WriteProtobuf( std::string && body )
  boost::system::error_code ec;
  std::size_t dataSize = body.size();
  // send the size
  boost::asio::write( socket, boost::asio::buffer( reinterpret_cast<const 
char *>( &dataSize ), sizeof( dataSize ) ), ec );
  char ackByte;
  // read the ack byte
  boost::asio::read( socket, boost::asio::buffer( ackByte, sizeof( ackByte ) ), ec );
  // send the body
  boost::asio::write( socket, boost::asio::buffer(, body.size() ), ec );

Pseudocode for the server end:

void ReadProtobuf()
  std::size_t requestSize;
  std::string body;
  // read the size
  boost::asio::async_read( socket, boost::asio::buffer( &requestSize, sizeof( requestSize ) ), [&requestSize, &body]() { // read the size
    body.resize( requestSize );
    char ackByte = 0;
    // write the ack byte
    boost::asio::async_write( socket, boost::asio::buffer( &ackByte, sizeof( ackByte ), []() {
        // read the body
        boost::asio::async_read( socket, boost::asio::buffer(, body.size() ), []() {
            /* ... */

This removes the latency but still I would get rid of unnecessary communication and understand better why is it happening this way.


  • On the other hand glueing size at the beginning of the data isn’t an option, because then I would do a copy.

    Scatter-gather to the rescue:

    So, this could help:

    void WriteProtobuf(std::string const& body) {
        std::size_t dataSize = body.size();
        std::vector<asio::const_buffer> bufs {
            asio::buffer(&dataSize, sizeof(dataSize)),
            asio::buffer(, body.size())
        boost::system::error_code ec;
        write(socket, asio::buffer(bufs), ec);

    Use Protobuf

    However, since you are using Protobuf, consider not serializing to a string, but using the builtin support for size-prefixed stream serialization:

    void WriteProtobuf(::google::protobuf::Message const& msg) {
        std::string buf;
        google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream sos(&buf);
        boost::system::error_code ec;
        write(socket, asio::buffer(buf), ec);

    On the receiving end you can then use the streams to read until the message is complete. See e.g.

    Other Considerations

    If this doesn't actually help, then you could look into explicitly flushing on the socket file descriptor:

    So, e.g.
