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clang-tidy parsing error at spaceship operator

Using clang++-11 with libstdc++-11 and clang-tidy-11, I run into failures when linting the code with clang-tidy - namely parsing error when dealing with the well-known sleeper std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1));.

clang-tidy-11 -header-filter=include/ -p=/tmp/dev/build/bin/aggregation/ -quiet /tmp/de
PLEASE submit a bug report to and include the crash backtrace.
Stack dump:
0.      Program arguments: clang-tidy-11 -header-filter=include/ -p=/tmp/dev/build/bin/
aggregation/ -quiet /tmp/dev/build/aggregation/src/
1.      <eof> parser at end of file
2.      While analyzing stack:
        #0 Calling std::chrono::operator<=> at line /usr/include/c++/11/thread:125:6
        #1 Calling std::this_thread::sleep_for at line 159
        #2 Calling main
3.      /usr/include/c++/11/chrono:771:9: Error evaluating statement
4.      /usr/include/c++/11/chrono:771:9: Error evaluating statement

I checked it works fine with a basic spaceship operator usage

#include <compare>
struct IntWrapper {
  int value;
  constexpr IntWrapper(int value): value{value} { }
  auto operator<=>(const IntWrapper&) const = default;

constexpr bool is_lt(const IntWrapper& a, const IntWrapper& b) {
  return a < b;
int main() {
  static_assert(is_lt(0, 1));

The fiasco seems to occur at the last line of this template from <chrono>

    template<typename _Rep1, typename _Period1,
         typename _Rep2, typename _Period2>
      requires three_way_comparable<common_type_t<_Rep1, _Rep2>>
      constexpr auto
      operator<=>(const duration<_Rep1, _Period1>& __lhs,
          const duration<_Rep2, _Period2>& __rhs)
    using __ct = common_type_t<duration<_Rep1, _Period1>,
                   duration<_Rep2, _Period2>>;
    return __ct(__lhs).count() <=> __ct(__rhs).count();

I managed to get over this with a temporary workaround (suure) of using boost::this_thread::sleep_for(boost::chrono::seconds(1)); as it's a dependency in my project anyway.

Do you have any pointers? Have I failed somewhere or perhaps it's well-known bug in clang-tidy and I should not hesitate to file a bug report?


  • You can use the std::this_thread::sleep_until method with (now() + 1s) as argument.