I am new to TypeORM with pg, I have declared a class 'User' extending BaseEntity. I create a instance (user) of the class added values (user.name = 'Arun'), then on user.save() fails with DB constraints. It seems like the TypeORM is not reverting the commit. here the autogenerated IDs are not incremental since there is no rollback. Have I missed any configuration for rollback? And I would like to know any better example for creating TypeORM models with constructors.
By default, TypeORM queries not transactional.
If you want to use transactions to rollback queries if something fail, you need EntityManager
import {getManager} from "typeorm";
await getManager().transaction(async transactionalEntityManager => {
await transactionalEntityManager.save(users);
await transactionalEntityManager.save(photos);
// ...
Docs here for more about TypeORM Transactions.