Search code examples

TypeORM "OR" operator

I could not find any notion of OR operator neither in TypeORM docs nor in the source code. does it support it at all?

I'm trying to do perform a basic search with a repository.

  name : "john",
  lastName: "doe"

I know this generates an AND operation but I need an OR operation so SQL would look like:

name='john' OR lastName='doe'

Am I forced to use the query builder for something basic like this?


  • Since version 0.3.18 (released 2024-01-03), TypeORM now supports an Or operator in the basic .find* methods:

    const users = await db.getRepository(User).findBy({
        name: Or(Equal("John"), ILike("Jane%")),
    -- Will generate the following query:
    SELECT * FROM "user" WHERE "name" = 'John' OR "name" ILIKE 'Jane%'

    Unfortunately this does not solve the scenario you presented, but just cases where only one field is involved. It might still be useful to other users though.