However, I can't find any Repository.extend method in Repository class and there's nothing about it in the documentation. How to solve this?
typeorm version: "^0.3.0"
I'm using nest js and trying to create a custom repository.
First of all:
npm install @nestjs/typeorm@next
In my project @nestjs/typeorm version is 9.0.0-next.2
and typeorm version is 0.3.6
Create a folder named database in the src of your project then create two files in (typeorm-ex.decorator.ts and typeorm-ex.module.ts)
// typeorm-ex.decorator.ts
import { SetMetadata } from "@nestjs/common";
export function CustomRepository(entity: Function): ClassDecorator {
return SetMetadata(TYPEORM_EX_CUSTOM_REPOSITORY, entity);
And next file
// typeorm-ex.module.ts
import { DynamicModule, Provider } from "@nestjs/common";
import { getDataSourceToken } from "@nestjs/typeorm";
import { DataSource } from "typeorm";
import { TYPEORM_EX_CUSTOM_REPOSITORY } from "./typeorm-ex.decorator";
export class TypeOrmExModule {
public static forCustomRepository<T extends new (...args: any[]) => any>(repositories: T[]): DynamicModule {
const providers: Provider[] = [];
for (const repository of repositories) {
const entity = Reflect.getMetadata(TYPEORM_EX_CUSTOM_REPOSITORY, repository);
if (!entity) {
inject: [getDataSourceToken()],
provide: repository,
useFactory: (dataSource: DataSource): typeof repository => {
const baseRepository = dataSource.getRepository<any>(entity);
return new repository(, baseRepository.manager, baseRepository.queryRunner);
return {
exports: providers,
module: TypeOrmExModule,
Open your AppModule and modify it like the following:
imports: [
type: 'mssql',
entities: [Photo],
controllers: [AppController],
providers: [
export class AppModule { }
You can create your customer repository like the following :
export class PhotoRepository extends Repository<Photo> {
public async getAllPhoto() {
const query = this.createQueryBuilder('photo')
.where('photo.isPublished = :isPublished', { isPublished: true })
const photos = await query.getMany()
return photos
Everything works perfectly.
Thanks to @anchan828