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How to use Typeorm generic Repository as a provider in other modules

I have Typeorm Generic repository like this

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'
import { IGenericRepository } from '../abstracts/generic-repository'
import {  Repository } from 'typeorm'
export class GenericRepository<T> implements IGenericRepository<T> {
    private _repository: Repository<T>;

    constructor(repository: Repository<T>) {
        this._repository = repository;

    getAll(): Promise<T[]> {
        return this._repository.find()

    findById(id: any): Promise<T> {
        return this._repository.findOneBy(id)

    create(item: T): Promise<T> {

    update(id: string, item: T) {
        return this._repository

and I wanna to use this repository as provider in other services . for example I want to use this in user Module

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { User } from '../entity/user.entity';
import { GenericRepositoryModule, GenericRepository } from '@app/common';
import { Repository } from 'typeorm'

    imports: [
    providers: [ // I think something is wrong here
            provide: 'userGenericRepository',
            useFactory: (genericRepository: GenericRepository<User>, user: User) => new genericRepository(Repository(user)),
            inject: [GenericRepository,User]

export class UserModule { }

But this doesn't work , there is an error

I think something is wrong with this provider

so, How can I fix this ?


  • The issue is that you are providing GenericRepository to their own provider.

    A way to solve this is:

    1. Write a function to create the provider token base on the class;
    export function createRepositoryToken(entity: any): string {
      return `${entity}__generic_repository_token`;
    1. Write a function to create the provider. This will help you to save a lot of code.
    export function createGenericRepositoryProvider(entity: any): Provider {
      return {
        provide: createRepositoryToken(entity),
        useFactory: (manager: EntityManager) => {
          return new GenericRepository(new Repository(entity, manager));
        inject: [EntityManager],
    1. Write a custom decorator
    export const InjectRepo = (entity: any) =>
    1. Create the provider in your module.
      imports: [],
      providers: [
    export class UserModule {}

    A cleaner option is to write the module like this:

    // user.providers.ts
    export UserRepositoryProvider = createGenericRepositoryProvider(User);

    and use it in your module

      imports: [],
      providers: [
    export class UserModule {}
    1. Inject the provider in your service:
    export class UserService {
      constructor(@InjectRepo(User) private readonly repository: GenericRepository<User>)

    and is done.

    Update (bonus):

    You can also create a module to provide generic repositories easily.

    export type GenericRepositoryModuleOptions = {
      entities: any[];
    export class GenericRepositoryModule {
      static forFeature(options: GenericRepositoryModuleOptions): DynamicModule {
        const repositoryTokens = this.createRepositoryTokens(options);
        const repositoryProviders = this.createRepositoryProviders(options);
        return {
          module: GenericRepositoryModule,
          providers: repositoryProviders,
          exports: repositoryTokens,
      private static createRepositoryTokens(options: GenericRepositoryModuleOptions) {
        return => createRepositoryToken(entity));
      private static createRepositoryProviders(
        options: GenericRepositoryModuleOptions
      ): Provider[] {
        return =>