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How to export only a subset of header-only boost libraries?

From the boost library, I only require circular_buffer for an android project (maybe some other later, but it will always be header-only). Thus, I would like to create a distribution containing only the required files.

I tried using the official distribution, and executing :

./ --includedir=.. --with-libraries=circular_buffer

However, when I then execute :


It outputs :

error: wrong library name 'circular_buffer' in the --with-<library> option.

What am I doing wrong ?


  • Bootstrap and b2 are only required for building library binaries. As you said, you will use header-only only, so that's not required.

    You can just zip up the boost/ include folders and be happy.

    In theory you can prune the set of includes with BCP:

    However, in practice I doubt it's worth the effort.