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Which is faster on Visual C++ 2010 - std::shared_ptr or boost::shared_ptr?

Has anyone tested this in release mode builds? Or are the implementations so similar there's no significant difference?

I'm interested in the speed to:

  1. Create a new shared_ptr

  2. Create a copy of the shared_ptr

  3. De-reference the pointer to access the pointee

This would be in a release build optimized for speed with new shared_ptrs being created with make_shared()


  • Ok, so it doesn't look like anyone has done this. Here's what I found using the standard VC 10 optimized settings for a WIN32 console app:

    1. Visual C++ 2010 SP1 std::make_shared and std::shared_ptr were faster than the Boost 1.46.1 equivalents when populating a vector of 10 million pointer entries ( 1.96 secs versus 0.92 secs averaged across 20 runs)

    2. Boost 1.46.1 was slightly faster than Visual C++ 2010 SP1 when copying an array of 10 million pointer entries ( 0.15 secs versus 0.17 secs averaged over 20 runs)

    3. Visual C++ 2010 SP1 was slightly faster than the Boost 1.46.1 equivalents when dereferencing a vector of 10 million pointer entries 20 times ( 0.72 secs versus 0.811 secs averaged over 20 runs)

    CONCLUSION: There was a significant difference when creating shared_ptrs to populate a vector. The Visual C++ 2010 shared_ptr was nearly twice as fast indicating a substantial difference in implementation compared to Boost 1.46.1.

    The other tests didn't show a significant difference.

    Here's the code I used:

    #include "stdafx.h"
    struct A
        A( const unsigned A) : m_value(A)
        const unsigned m_value;
    typedef std::shared_ptr<A> APtr;
    typedef boost::shared_ptr<A> ABoostPtr;
    double TestSTLCreateSpeed()
        const unsigned NUM_ENTRIES = 10000000;
        std::vector<APtr> buffer;
        boost::timer timer;
        for( unsigned nEntry = 0; nEntry < NUM_ENTRIES; ++nEntry)
            buffer.emplace_back( std::make_shared<A>(nEntry) );
        const double timeTaken = timer.elapsed();
        std::cout << "STL create test took " << timeTaken << " secs.\r\n";
        return timeTaken;
    double BoostSTLCreateSpeed()
        const unsigned NUM_ENTRIES = 10000000;
        std::vector<ABoostPtr> buffer;
        boost::timer timer;
        for( unsigned nEntry = 0; nEntry < NUM_ENTRIES; ++nEntry)
            buffer.emplace_back( boost::make_shared<A>(nEntry) );
        const double timeTaken = timer.elapsed();
        std::cout << "BOOST create test took " << timeTaken << " secs.\r\n";
        return timeTaken;
    double TestSTLCopySpeed()
        const unsigned NUM_ENTRIES = 10000000;
        std::vector<APtr> buffer;
        for( unsigned nEntry = 0; nEntry < NUM_ENTRIES; ++nEntry)
            buffer.emplace_back( std::make_shared<A>(nEntry) );
        boost::timer timer;
        std::vector<APtr> buffer2 = buffer;
        const double timeTaken = timer.elapsed();
        std::cout << "STL copy test took " << timeTaken << " secs.\r\n";
        return timeTaken;
    double TestBoostCopySpeed()
        const unsigned NUM_ENTRIES = 10000000;
        std::vector<ABoostPtr> buffer;
        for( unsigned nEntry = 0; nEntry < NUM_ENTRIES; ++nEntry)
            buffer.emplace_back( boost::make_shared<A>(nEntry) );
        boost::timer timer;
        std::vector<ABoostPtr> buffer2 = buffer;
        const double timeTaken = timer.elapsed();
        std::cout << "BOOST copy test took " << timeTaken << " secs.\r\n";
        return timeTaken;
    double TestBoostDerefSpeed()
        const unsigned NUM_ENTRIES = 10000000;
        std::vector<ABoostPtr> buffer;
        for( unsigned nEntry = 0; nEntry < NUM_ENTRIES; ++nEntry)
            buffer.emplace_back( boost::make_shared<A>(nEntry) );
        boost::timer timer;
        unsigned total = 0;
        for(unsigned nIter = 0; nIter < 20; ++nIter)
            std::for_each( buffer.begin(), buffer.end(),
                [&](const ABoostPtr& pA){ 
                    total += pA->m_value;
        const double timeTaken = timer.elapsed();
        std::cout << "BOOST deref total =  " << total << ".\r\n";
        std::cout << "BOOST deref test took " << timeTaken << " secs.\r\n";
        return timeTaken;
    double TestSTLDerefSpeed()
        const unsigned NUM_ENTRIES = 10000000;
        std::vector<APtr> buffer;
        for( unsigned nEntry = 0; nEntry < NUM_ENTRIES; ++nEntry)
            buffer.emplace_back( std::make_shared<A>(nEntry) );
        boost::timer timer;
        unsigned total = 0;
        for(unsigned nIter = 0; nIter < 20; ++nIter)
            std::for_each( buffer.begin(), buffer.end(),
                [&](const APtr& pA){ 
                    total += pA->m_value;
        const double timeTaken = timer.elapsed();
        std::cout << "STL deref total =  " << total << ".\r\n";
        std::cout << "STL deref test took " << timeTaken << " secs.\r\n";
        return timeTaken;
    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
        double totalTime = 0.0;
        const unsigned NUM_TESTS = 20;
        totalTime = 0.0;
        for ( unsigned nTest = 0; nTest < NUM_TESTS; ++nTest)
            totalTime += BoostSTLCreateSpeed();
        std::cout << "BOOST create test took " << totalTime / NUM_TESTS << " secs average.\r\n";
        totalTime = 0.0;
        for ( unsigned nTest = 0; nTest < NUM_TESTS; ++nTest)
            totalTime += TestSTLCreateSpeed();
        std::cout << "STL create test took " << totalTime / NUM_TESTS << " secs average.\r\n";
        totalTime = 0.0;
        for ( unsigned nTest = 0; nTest < NUM_TESTS; ++nTest)
            totalTime += TestBoostCopySpeed();
        std::cout << "BOOST copy test took " << totalTime / NUM_TESTS << " secs average.\r\n";
        totalTime = 0.0;
        for ( unsigned nTest = 0; nTest < NUM_TESTS; ++nTest)
            totalTime += TestSTLCopySpeed();
        std::cout << "STL copy test took " << totalTime / NUM_TESTS << " secs average.\r\n";
        totalTime = 0.0;
        for ( unsigned nTest = 0; nTest < NUM_TESTS; ++nTest)
            totalTime += TestBoostDerefSpeed();
        std::cout << "Boost deref test took " << totalTime / NUM_TESTS << " secs average.\r\n";
        totalTime = 0.0;
        for ( unsigned nTest = 0; nTest < NUM_TESTS; ++nTest)
            totalTime += TestSTLDerefSpeed();
        std::cout << "STL deref test took " << totalTime / NUM_TESTS << " secs average.\r\n";
        return 0;

    I'll wait a while and if no one has refuted my results or come up with some better conclusions I'll accept my own answer.