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Loading a unity webgl Game from a separate immersive game

I have a two separate webGL games that built with unity. Which can be uploaded to a Game portal website. One of two games is a 3d game, which player can walk around to places and interact with some objects. When player interact with it, I want to load the other game inside the same page. I want to do this process backwards as well. I tried to do this with, adding the two games into the same project. I have lot of problems when doing it.

  1. Light weight render pipeline settings collides
  2. Since the project is a WebGL, It should be a small one one but it does not when I wanted to scale up. (20,30 games)
  3. Because of the size, it does not support to the mobile web platform.

Can anyone give me a solution for this? Any comments would be highly appreciated.


  • If you take a look at your built WebGL game you'll see an index.html file. You will need to take both of your built games and put them in a folder and create a new index.html (based off of the ones that your WebGL build contain) that will properly load two unityInstances on the same page.

    To accomplish this, you will need to change some of your IDs so that the two scripts don't interact with the same DOM elements; and you will need to change the file paths of your built game so that it can access the game even though it's now in a folder.

    It's not an easy challenge, and unfortunately, it might require some trickery to get automated. You could also try loading the WebGL project JavaScript or an iFrame.

    There is a minimum size that a Unity WebGL project can be (around 10mb), so it's not going to scale up to 20-30 games on a single page. For comparison, a typical webpage is ~2mb nowadays. You are going to have to load them one-at-a-time.