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DirectX: Get InfoQueue before Device

Is there a way to get the InfoQueue or set the break parameters before the Device is created?

Right now i am creating the Device and then getting the InfoQueue, but any messages that are emitted before that point are going to be ignored and buried in the output window.

ID3D11Device* pDevice;
//...Create Device...
ID3D11InfoQueue* pInfoQueue;
pDevice->QueryInterface(__uuidof(ID3D11InfoQueue), &pInfoQueue);
pInfoQueue->SetBreakOnSeverity(D3D11_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR, TRUE);

And I want something like:

ID3D11InfoQueue* pInfoQueue;
//...Get InfoQueue...
pInfoQueue->SetBreakOnSeverity(D3D11_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR, TRUE);
ID3D11Device* pDevice;
//...Create Device...


  • What you want to do is enable DXGI debugging which will provide debug information for the device & swapchain creation.

    #include <dxgidebug.h>
    #if defined(_DEBUG)
        Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDXGIInfoQueue> dxgiInfoQueue;
        HMODULE dxgidebug = LoadLibraryEx( L"dxgidebug.dll", nullptr, LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32 );
        if ( dxgidebug )
            auto dxgiGetDebugInterface = reinterpret_cast<LPDXGIGETDEBUGINTERFACE>(
                reinterpret_cast<void*>( GetProcAddress( dxgidebug, "DXGIGetDebugInterface" ) ) );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( dxgiGetDebugInterface( IID_PPV_ARGS( dxgiInfoQueue.GetAddressOf() ) ) ) )
                dxgiInfoQueue->SetBreakOnSeverity( DXGI_DEBUG_ALL, DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR, true );
                dxgiInfoQueue->SetBreakOnSeverity( DXGI_DEBUG_ALL, DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_CORRUPTION, true );

    See this blog post and this one