I have some code in VHDL I am trying to convert to Verilog.
The VHDL code works fine
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity find_errors is port(
a: bit_vector(0 to 3);
b: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
c: in bit_vector(5 downto 0));
end find_errors;
architecture not_good of find_errors is
my_label: process (a,c)
if c = "111111" then
b <= To_StdLogicVector(a);
b <= "0101";
end if;
end process;
end not_good;
The Verilog code I have, gets errors "Illegal reference to net "bw"." and Register is illegal in left-hand side of continuous assignment
module find_errors(
input [3:0]a,
output [3:0]b,
input [5:0]c
wire [0:3]aw;
wire [3:0]bw;
reg [5:0]creg;
assign aw = a;
assign b = bw;
assign creg = c;
always @(a,c)
if (creg == 4'b1111)
bw <= aw;
bw <= 4'b0101;
It looks pretty close but there are a few things that are problems/errors that need to be fixed, see inline comments in fixed code:
module find_errors(
input wire [3:0] a, // Better to be explicit about the types even if
// its not strictly necessary
output reg [3:0] b, // As mentioned in the comments, the error youre
// seeing is because b is a net type by default; when
// describing logic in any always block, you need to
// use variable types, like reg or logic (for
// SystemVerilog); see the comment for a thread
// describing the difference
input wire [5:0] c);
// You dont really need any local signals as the logic is pretty simple
always @(*) begin // Always use either always @(*), assign or
// always_comb (if using SystemVerilog) for combinational logic
if (c == 6'b111111)
b = a; // For combinational logic, use blocking assignment ("=")
// instead of non-blocking assignment ("<="), NBA is used for
// registers/sequential logic
b = 4'b0101;