What is the difference between these two statements if they are inside an always_ff @(posedge clk)
if(~Intf.DataFull) begin
rWrPageCntr <= rWrPageCntr - 1;
rWrPageCntr <= rWrPageCntr - ~Intf.DataFull;
Under the following assumptions regarding signal bit widths, there is a big difference:
module tb;
bit DataFull, clk;
bit [2:0] rWrPageCntr;
bit [2:0] rWrPageCntr2;
always #5 clk++;
always_ff @(posedge clk)
if(~DataFull) begin
rWrPageCntr <= rWrPageCntr - 1;
always_ff @(posedge clk)
rWrPageCntr2 <= rWrPageCntr2 - ~DataFull;
always @(negedge clk) $display("full=%b %d %d", DataFull, rWrPageCntr, rWrPageCntr2);
initial begin
DataFull = 1;
DataFull = 0;
#150 $finish;
full=1 0 2
full=1 0 4
full=1 0 6
full=1 0 0
full=1 0 2
full=1 0 4
full=1 0 6
full=1 0 0
full=1 0 2
full=1 0 4
full=1 0 6
full=1 0 0
full=1 0 2
full=1 0 4
full=0 0 6
full=0 7 7
full=0 6 0
full=0 5 1
full=0 4 2
full=0 3 3
full=0 2 4
full=0 1 5
full=0 0 6
full=0 7 7
full=0 6 0
full=0 5 1
full=0 4 2
full=0 3 3
full=0 2 4
The first example behaves as you'd expect, but the second example is more complicated.
In your second example, before the subtraction, DataFull
will be extended to 3 bits, then it will be bitwise inverted, yielding 7 and 6. When DataFull
=0, ~DataFull
=7. When DataFull
=1, ~DataFull