I am trying to wrap some of the yaml-cpp code with pybind11. I realize there is a python module for manipulating yaml files, but I would appreciate help with this approach. I am just trying to get familiar with pybind11.
Specifically, I would like to wrap the iterator for a YAML::Node
, but the return type from the iterator is not a YAML::Node
, it is a YAML::detail::iterator_value
. How do I go from this type back to a YAML::Node
in the iterator lambda function? Here are the relevant parts of my code.
#include "yaml-cpp/yaml.h"
#include "pybind11/pybind11.h"
PYBIND11_MODULE(utilities, m) {
namespace py = pybind11;
py::class_<YAML::detail::iterator_value>(m, "YamlDetailIteratorValue")
py::class_<YAML::Node>(m, "YamlNode")
.def(py::init<const std::string &>())
[](const YAML::Node node, const std::string key){
return node[key];
[](const YAML::Node &node) {
return py::make_iterator(node.begin(), node.end());},
py::keep_alive<0, 1>());
m.def("load_file", &YAML::LoadFile, "");
from utilities import load_file
test_node = load_file('test.yaml')
for nodelette in test_node:
prop = nodelette['prop']
And I get the following error:
TypeError: __getitem__: incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported:
1. (arg0: utilities.YamlNode, arg1: str) -> utilities.YamlNode
Invoked with: <utilities.YamlDetailIteratorValue object at 0x7f8babc446f0>, 'prop'
You are close. If you look at the source, YAML::detail::iterator_value
extends YAML::Node
, so you have to account for that in the python code. It also extends std::pair<YAML::Node, YAML::Node>
, so that will need to be accounted for in some way as well.
struct iterator_value : public Node, std::pair<Node, Node> {
When that gets bound, we'll have to make sure that Node is bound as the parent class. That will look like:
py::class_<YAML::detail::iterator_value, YAML::Node>(m, "YamlDetailIteratorValue")
Now you have all the Node methods when you iterate, which is good! But you're going to run into real trouble because of the fact that iterator_value
also inherits from std::pair
. As far as I know, there is no way to just use that as a parent type in pybind11, even though it has auto-conversions for pairs (there is bind_vector
and bind_map
but no bind_pair
). I think you could write your own binding for such a thing, but I'm not sure it is necessary. Really what you need to do is inspect the type of the Node
you are about to iterate over and then iterate a little differently depending on if it is map or a sequence (this is similar to how the c++ api works where there is a single iterator type for both sequences and maps, but certain functions will fail if called in the wrong context).
Here is how I ended up solving the problem:
PYBIND11_MODULE(utilities, m) {
py::enum_<YAML::NodeType::value>(m, "NodeType")
.value("Undefined", YAML::NodeType::Undefined)
.value("Null", YAML::NodeType::Null)
.value("Scalar", YAML::NodeType::Scalar)
.value("Sequence", YAML::NodeType::Sequence)
.value("Map", YAML::NodeType::Map);
py::class_<YAML::Node>(m, "YamlNode")
.def(py::init<const std::string &>())
[](const YAML::Node node, const std::string& key){
return node[key];
[](const YAML::Node &node) {
return py::make_iterator(node.begin(), node.end());},
py::keep_alive<0, 1>())
[](const YAML::Node& node) {
YAML::Emitter out;
out << node;
return std::string(out.c_str());
.def("type", &YAML::Node::Type)
.def("__len__", &YAML::Node::size)
py::class_<YAML::detail::iterator_value, YAML::Node>(m, "YamlDetailIteratorValue")
.def("first", [](YAML::detail::iterator_value& val) { return val.first;})
.def("second", [](YAML::detail::iterator_value& val) { return val.second;})
m.def("load_file", &YAML::LoadFile, "");
I bound in the NodeType enum, so you can have that exposed when you call type
on a node. Then I bound in first
and second
for the iterator_value
type, so you can access the map values in a loop. you can switch on type()
to figure out how to iterate. My example yaml file
doe: "a deer, a female deer"
ray: "a drop of golden sun"
pi: 3.14159
xmas: true
french-hens: 3
- huey
- dewey
- louie
- fred
calling-birds: four
french-hens: 3
golden-rings: 5
count: 1
location: "a pear tree"
turtle-doves: two
And my example python (3.8) code using the bound c++
import example
from example import load_file
def iterator(node):
if node.type() == example.NodeType.Sequence:
return node
elif node.type() == example.NodeType.Map:
return ((e.first(), e.second()) for e in node)
return (node,)
test_node = load_file('test.yml')
for key, value in iterator(test_node):
if value.type() == example.NodeType.Sequence:
for v in iterator(value):
elif value.type() == example.NodeType.Map:
for k,v in iterator(value):
temp = value[str(k)]
print(k, v)
print(str(v) == str(temp))
Demonstrates correct iteration for the different types as well as the fact that __get__
works on maps just as well as it does when calling .second
on the iterator_value
. You probably want to override __get__
on ints, so it will let you do sequence access as well.
You've got a bonus __str__
method as well, to make all the print
calls work.