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overloading virtual operator -> ()

This is just an experiment code.

struct B
  virtual B* operator -> () { return this; }
  void foo () {} // edit: intentionally NOT virtual

struct D : B
  virtual D* operator -> () { return this; }
  void foo () {}

int main ()
  B &pB = *new D;
  pB->foo();  // calls B::foo() !

I know that operator has to be called using object or reference; thus in above case does reference pB still resolute to the object of B ? Though it will not be practical, but for curiosity, is there any way to invoke D::operator -> through pB ?


  • I think it is invoking D::operator->, but the return value is being treated as a B*, so B::foo() is being called.

    This is an artifact of how covariant return types behave.