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C++: How do I count the number of nodes in a binary tree for which its value module its height is minor to 2?

I'm trying to implement a function which counts the nodes in a binary tree that respect the following condition: ( node->value % height )<2 I know it must be a recursive function and I tried to implement it as it follows:

    int count(Node* tree, int h=1){
       if (!tree) return 0;

       if ((tree->value%h)<2)
          return count(tree->left, h++) + count(tree->right, h++) + 1;
          return count(tree->left, h++) + count(tree->right, h++);

This function doesn't work and I can't understand where my mistake is. I'll appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks in advance.


  • With the statement

    return count(tree->left, h++) + count(tree->right, h++) + 1;

    you are incrementing h, which means that one of the calls to count might go with a higher value than the other one. Actually it is undefined behaviour, since the order of evaluation of the two h++ is not defined.


    return count(tree->left, h+1) + count(tree->right, h+1) + 1;