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For which class is the instance created and what is the derived class doing in this code?

What is the derived class doing in this code like:

class Base
       virtual std::string Name(){ return "Base Class"}

class Derived : public Base
        std::string Name() {return "Derived Class"}

int main()
   Base* object = new Derived();
   return 0;

I was following a tutorial but didn't understand What does Derived class in The instantiation of Base Class was doing in the above code.


  • The goal is to implement polymorphism, it's a OOP concept which allows you, among other things, to make derived class methods override the base class.

    Consider the following:

    class Base {
        //virtual keyword allows method to be overriden
        virtual std::string Name() { return "Base Class"; }
        //virtual destructor needed for polymorphism otherwise it can lead to undefined behavior
        virtual ~Base(){} 
    class Derived : public Base {
        //optional keyword override signal the method has been overriden
        std::string Name() override { return "Derived Class"; }
    class Derived2 : public Base {
        std::string Name() override { return "Derived Class 2"; }
    int main() {
        Base *object = new Derived();
        Base *object2 = new Derived2();
        Base *object3 = new Base();
        //collection of objects of type Base* which can hold any class of the family
        Base *collection[] = {object, object2, object3};
        for (auto &obj : collection) {//test print
            std::cout << obj->Name() << std::endl;

    As the comments explain, I can have a collection of different objects of the same family and when you call Name() the method call will deppend on the object.


    Derived Class
    Derived Class 2
    Base Class