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Finding Total Memory in Bytes in C

In my assignment I am expected that Print the total memory in bytes required for the dynamic array

I have to read the file and find required byte. And also it is not my assignment main purpose

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <time.h>

#define N 100 //Change this acording to the size of the file.
#define PATH "list.txt"

int * read_array(char *filename,int *count);

int main(void){
    int *arr,count;
    int byte_used= count * sizeof(int);
    printf("%d number of byte used\n",byte_used);

int * read_array(char *filename, int *i){
    FILE *fp=fopen(filename, "rb");
    if (fp==NULL){ printf("File does not exist\n"); *i=0 return 0;  }
    int a=0,counter=1;

    int *arr;

    while(fscanf(fp,"%d,",&arr[a]) == 1){
        /* When all allocated memory is filed, do this */
        if (counter*N<=a){


    *i=a; //returns how many numbers in this file
    return arr;

So I am wondering in 3rd line in main is valid for expectations or there is another way to find the usage of byte? Also I will do the same thing with using linked list. So we learning dynamic memory allocation.

little example of list.txt



  • Third line in your code is enough for you, but if you want to make your code better you can something line;

    if( a < counter*N )    arr=(int*)realloc( arr, a*sizeof(int) );