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Caching expensive data in C++ - function-scoped statics vs mutable member variables

I've got a relatively expensive data-fetching operation that I want to cache the results of. This operation is called from const methods, roughly like this:

double AdjustData(double d, int key) const {
  double factor = LongRunningOperationToFetchFactor(key);
  return factor * d;

I'd like AdjustData to remain const, but I want to cache out the factor so I only fetch it the first time. At present I'm using a mutable map<int, double> to store the result (the map being from key to factor), but I'm thinking using a function-scoped static might be a better solution - this factor is only needed by this function, and is irrelevant to the rest of the class.

Does that seem like a good way to go? Are there any better options? What things might I think about, particularly with regard to thread-safety.




  • I would wrap the implementation of LongRunningOperationToFetchFactor with something like this. I am using Boost scoped locks but you can so something similar with other locking frameworks.

    #include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
    #include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
    #include <map>
    using namespace std;
    static boost::mutex myMutex;
    static map<int,double> results;
    double CachedLongRunningOperationToFetchFactor( int key )
           boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(myMutex);
           map<int,double>::iterator iter = results.find(key);
           if ( iter != results.end() )
              return (*iter).second;
       // not in the Cache calculate it
       result = LongRunningOperationToFetchFactor( key );
           // we need to lock the map again
           boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(myMutex);
           // it could be that another thread already calculated the result but
           // map assignment does not care.
           results[key] = result;
       return result;

    If this really is a long running operation then the cost of locking the Mutex should be minimal.

    It was not quite clear from you question but if the function LongRunningOperationToFetchFactor is a member function of you class then you want the map the be mutable map in that same class. I single static mutex for access is still fast enough though.