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Increase coverage for void functions where on else branch is just a print and no variables changed

I had to test a function similar with foo():

class A{


void foo(int a)
        if( nullptr != m_member_name)

        else Logger << "some message";

Member_name *m_member_name;

}//end class A

In order to have branch coverage I think that I should make one test for m_member_name != nullptr and one for m_member_name == nullptr.

For the first is easy, because I expect that another_function() is called once, using

EXPECT_CALL(MOCK_Member_name, another_function())  
         .Times(1); // I created a mock for Member_name before

Where MOCK_Member_name is a mock for Member_name

But how should I verify if for m_member_name == nullptr is going on else branch?

I know that is a silly question, but I've only been studying Google Mock for a short time.


  • I studied more(please see the source and there is the best solution in this specific case.

    If i want to verify if I it goes on else branch, I should just expect that the function from if to don't be called at all, using .Times(0);

    EXPECT_CALL(MOCK_Member_name, another_function())  

    For another detailed topics see: googletest-release-1.8.0-googlemock