I defined a BST in Haskell:
data BST a = BST a (BST a) (BST a) | BSTNil deriving Show
and some operations like these:
findElem :: (Ord a, Eq a) => BST a -> a -> Maybe a
findElem BSTNil _ = Nothing
findElem (BST a left right) x
| x == a = Just x
| x < a = findElem left x
| x > a = findElem right x
inorder :: BST a -> [a]
inorder BSTNil = []
inorder (BST a left right) = inorder left ++ [a] ++ inorder right
How am I supposed to return the smallest sub-tree which contains two nodes whose keys are given, of a BST?
That's what I got so far:
subTree :: (Ord a, Eq a) => BST a -> a -> a -> Maybe (BST a)
subTree BSTNil _ _ = Nothing
subTree (BST a left right) x y
| findElem (BST a left right) x == Nothing = Nothing
| findElem (BST a left right) y == Nothing = Nothing
| findElem left x /= Nothing && findElem left y /= Nothing = subTree
left x y
| findElem right x /= Nothing && findElem right y /= Nothing = subTree
right x y
Just enumerate the cases, there are not that many:
To distinguish these cases, you should only compare a
, x
and y
, not use findElem
, just like you did to distinguish the three cases in the findElem
function. (You may call findElem
though if you need to find a single element in a subtree). So I'd do
subTree :: (Ord a, Eq a) => BST a -> a -> a -> Maybe (BST a)
subTree BSTNil _ _ = Nothing
subTree t@(BST a left right) x y
| x < a && y < a = subTree left x y
| x == a = findElem t y *> Just t
| y == a = findElem t x *> Just t
| x > a && y > a = subTree right x y
| otherwise = findElem t y *> findElem t x *> Just t -- x < a < y or y < a < x
(As @Will Ness mentioned, you might simplify if you know - or force - that x <= y