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Microsoft.Data.Edm not found (Azure Functions v3.1.4)

I have created an Azure Functions project using .NET Core v2 and attempted to migrate it to Azure Functions v3. After upgrading it complains that it cannot find Microsoft.Data.Edm, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 anymore. When I look in the bin folder of my v2.1 version, then this file is copied to that location. My v3.1 version lacks a lot of files, including Microsoft.Data.Edm.dll. It seems the file is copied to the bin folder, but it is being removed afterwards. Does any one know what is happening?

It seems the problems start happening when the Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions package is upgraded to a version higher than 1.0.31. To illustrate the problem I have created a very simple Azure Function solution that contains both the V2 and the V3 version. It can be found at

When running the AzureFunctionsWithEdm2 the call http://localhost:7071/api/EdmFunction returns OK, but with AzureFunctionsWithEdm3 it fails, because it cannot load the Microsoft.Data.Edm assembly. When the Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions package is upgraded to 1.0.33, then the V2 also fails to work.


  • It seems that the RemoveRuntimeDependencies task removes this assemblies (source). It doesn't run when the _FunctionsSkipCleanOutput variable is set to true. Adding the following line effectively disables this task and makes it work for 1.0.33 and later too.


    Item is tracked via this issue.