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Multiple If statements versus single statement with conditions evaluated using logical operators

I am writing a function that checks several conditions before actually executing its task. This is done by a number of if statements. Like so:

bool foo()
        return false;
        return false;
    // .. etc
    // Actual execution here
    return true;

In this function is there any benefits by changing the multiple conditions to :

bool foo()
    if(invalid() || dont_execute() /* || .. etc */)
        return false;
    // Actual execution here
    return true;

I feel that the first style is more readable. What I want to know is, if there is any performance impact in using multiple if statements rather than combining using logical operators.


  • No there is no performance impact. If we compare the assembly of both functions we can see that it is identical for both functions.


    bool f1();
    bool f2();
    bool combined()
        if (f1() || f2())
            return false;
        return true;
    bool separate()
        if (f1())
            return false;
        if (f2())
            return false;
        return true;

    And here the assembly:

            sub     rsp, 8
            call    f1()
            mov     r8d, eax
            xor     eax, eax
            test    r8b, r8b
            jne     .L1
            call    f2()
            xor     eax, 1
            add     rsp, 8
            sub     rsp, 8
            call    f1()
            mov     r8d, eax
            xor     eax, eax
            test    r8b, r8b
            jne     .L7
            call    f2()
            xor     eax, 1
            add     rsp, 8