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My input is getting skipped no matter what I use

I am trying to have a user enter three inputs: user name, id, and an alternate id. If the user enters a return for user name, the program should end. If the user enters a user name and enters a return for the next two ids, the input should display as invalid. I have tried using cin, fgets, and get(I know get is usually bad programming). When I used cin, I tried using cin.clear() and cin.ignore() to skip a newline entry. The first input always works, but the second input call keeps getting skipped.

Code snippet:

int main(){
    string name, altID, tempUWFID;
    char input;
    cout << "Name> ";   
//  if (cin.get() == '\n') - This was one way that I tried.
    if ((input = getchar()) == '\n')
        cin >> name;
    cout << "UWF ID> ";
    if ((input = getchar()) != '\n')
        cin >> tempUWFID;
    cout << "Alternate ID> ";
    if ((input = getchar()) != '\n')
        cin >>altID;
cout << "\nThank you for abusing my program, have a nice day!\n";


Welcome to Voter's Registration
Name> johnny
UWF ID> Alternate ID>
Invalid UWF ID


Thank you for abusing my program, have a nice day!

Expected Output:

Welcome to Voter's Registration
Name> johnny
UWF ID> somenumber 
Alternate ID> someothernumber
Invalid UWF ID


Thank you for abusing my program, have a nice day!


  • Here's a quick little program I built, does this solve your problem?

    cin itself can read newline characters, and cin >> ... treats newline characters as whitespace and ignores them. cin.getline(...) and std::getline(cin, ...) will read and discard newline characters from cin and then stop reading.

    So see if this works for you.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    int main()
      string name = "";
      string uwfId = "";
      string altId = "";
      cout << "\nName> ";   
      getline(cin, name);
      if(name == "" )
        return 0;
      cout << "\nUWF ID> ";
      getline(cin, name);
      cout << "\nAlternate ID> ";
      getline(cin, name);
      if(uwfId == "" || altId == "")
        cout << "\nInvalid!";
        return 1;
      return 0;