Search code examples

How do I parse Google search results with Nokogiri?

I need help pulling URLs from Google search results and was told to use Nokogiri. I installed it and read over the Nokogiri docs, but have no idea where to start -- it's all Greek to me.

I know what I am looking for is the URL of each result, each existing between a <cite> tag. So far all I was able to figure out how to do is pull the search results but I just don't know how to go about pulling specific data from the file. Here is the teeny-tiny bit of code I do have:

serp = Nokogiri::HTML(open(""))


  • enjoy :)

    require 'open-uri'
    require 'nokogiri'
    page = open ""
    html = Nokogiri::HTML page"cite").each do |cite|
      puts cite.inner_text

    also look at nokogiri tutorials