I'm trying to match src="URL" tags like the following:
Basically, anything that has somre sort of bp.blogspot URL inside of the src attribute. I have the following, but it's only partially working:
preg_match('/src=\"(.*)blogspot(.*)\"/', $content, $matches);
This one accepts all blogspot urls and allows escaped quotes:
The URL gets captured to match group 1.
You will need to escape \
and /
with an additional \
(for each occurence!) to use in preg_match(…)
src=" # needle 1
( # start of capture group
(?: # start of anonymous group
[^"] # non-quote chars
| # or:
(?:(?<!\\)(?:\\\\)*\\") # escaped chars
)+ # end of anonymous group
\b # start of word (word boundary)
blogspot\.com/ # needle 2
(?: # start of anonymous group
[^"] # non-quote chars
| # or:
(?:(?<!\\)(?:\\\\)*\\") # escaped chars
)+ # end of anonymous group
) # end of capture group
" # needle 3