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PHP Scrape html page content with tags

The code from original web page

<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="slider">
<a title="title1" href="" >
<img  title="title1"  alt=""  src=""  /></a>
<a title="title2" href="" >
<img  title="title2"  alt=""  src=""  /></a>
<div class="clear"></div>

and I want to extract below details (with tags) same as below

<div class="slider">
<a title="title1" href="" >
<img  title="title1"  alt=""  src=""  /></a>
<a title="title2" href="" >
<img  title="title2"  alt=""  src=""  /></a>

Checked many questions posted before but I can't find something similar to this so Please someone help me with this.



  • To manipulate HTML it is better not to use regular expressions like preg_replace. Why? See this question. You can use phpQuery as HTML parser.

    Install it with the following commands (you need pear):

    pear channel-discover  
    pear install phpquery/phpQuery 

    After installing, you can do the following:

    $html = file_get_contents("");
    $pq = phpQuery::newDocumentHTML($html);
    echo $pq['.slider']; // Output the contents of tags with class="slider"

    For more example code and documentation, please take at the phpQuery web page


    If you want to use another HTML parsing solution, you can take a look at How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP?