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Compling error Class 'does not name a type' dispite header file being included

I am a beginner in the C++ language and have run into a compiling error that has stumped me for days for my latest assignment. The code is using a class GradeBook to set both the name of the course and the instructor's name.

Here is the driver file where I include the header file that contains the class GradeBook

#include <iostream>
#include "GradeBook.h"

using namespace std;

int main()

    gradeBook gradeBook1 ();
    gradeBook gradeBook2 ();

    cout << "Grade Book Initial Course Name: \n" << gradeBook1.getCourseName() << endl;
    cout << "Initial Instructor Name: \n" << gradeBook2.getInstuctorName() << endl;


    return 0;

Here is the header file. I added in the #ifndef to prevent possible looping errors based on research into this problem.

#ifndef GRADE_H
#define GRADE_H

#include <string>
#include "GradeBook.cpp"

// __Grade_Book__
class GradeBook
    std::string courseName, instructorName;

    // constructor initializes courseName with string  supplied an argument
    GradeBook( std::string name);

    //function sets the course name and limits length
   void setCourseName(std::string name);
   void setInstructorName(std::string iName);

    //function gets the course name
    std::string getCourseName();
    std::string getInstructorName();

    //function displays a welcome message
    void displayMessage();


This is the source file where the error " 'GradeBook' does not name a type' occurs at the first instance of GradeBook despite being linked to the header file. I feel as though this file is not completely necessary for this code but it is required for the assignment. I'm wondering if I have messed up with the communication of the files creating a loop but everything I have tried has led to the same compiling error, insisting that the class GraddeBook has not been defined.

#include <iostream>
#include "GradeBook.h"

using namespace std;

// constructor initializes courseName with string supplied an argument

GradeBook::GradeBook(string name)

    setInstructorName (iName);
     // call set function to initialize courseName
//function sets the course name
void GradeBook::setCourseName(string name)
    if (name.length() <= 30)
        courseName = name;
        courseName = name.substr(0, 30); //start at 0, length of 30
        cout << "Course Name \" " << name << "\" exceeds maximum length (30).\n"
        << "Limiting courseName to the first 30-characters.\n" << endl;
void GradeBook::setInstuctorName(string iName)
    if (iName.length() <= 20)
        instructorName = iName;
        instructorName = iName.substr(0, 30); //start at 0, length of 30
        cout << "Instructor Name \" " << iName << "\" exceeds maximum length (20).\n"
        << "Limiting Instructor Name to the first 20-characters.\n" << endl;

//function gets the course name
string GradeBook::getCourseName()
    return courseName;

string GradeBook::getInstructorName()
    return InstructorName;
//function displays a welcome message
void GradeBook::displayMessage()
        cout << "Welcome to the Grade book for: \n" << getCourseName() << endl;
        cout << "This course is presented by: \n" << getInstructorName() << endl;


  • Be sure to use the correct classname when declaring a variable. Identifiers are case sensitive.

        GradeBook gradeBook1;
        GradeBook gradeBook2;