I am currently using a Taxi model from as an enemy with AI that will drive to different waypoints. Whenever the car moves to a waypoint it auto rotates 90 degrees to the right, right away but keeps moving from waypoint to waypoint.
How do I fix a NavMeshAgent that auto turns 90 degrees when moving to a waypoint? The commented out code fixes the auto rotate but does not rotate enough when moving to the waypoint upon setDestination.
The uncommented code first rotates 90 degrees and then rotates a little after each waypoint (from the 90 degree position). (Unity API script from Vector3.RotateTowards)
_agent.UpdateRotation = false , stops initial rotation but I then have to control rotation manually (which I am having a hard time with)
private void Start()
_agent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();
// Almost works doesn't rotate enough
//_agent.updateRotation = false;
_isStopped = false;
private void Update()
//Almost works, doesn't rotate enough
//transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.Euler(0, (_angleToRotate) * 8, 0), 1f);
//Rotates but turns 90 degrees first
Vector3 targetDirection = _wayPoints[_currentWayPoint].transform.position - transform.position;
float singleStep = _speed * Time.deltaTime;
Vector3 newDirection = Vector3.RotateTowards(transform.forward, targetDirection, singleStep, 0.0f);
Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, newDirection, Color.red);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(newDirection);
switch (_currentState)
case AIState.NonAlert:
//Debug.Log("Not Alert...");
if (_isStopped == true)
if (_wayPoints.Count > 0)
//Gets distance between two Vector3s
float distanceToWayPoint = Vector3.Distance(_wayPoints[_currentWayPoint].transform.position, transform.position);
if (distanceToWayPoint < 1.0f)
//Almost works, doesnt rotate enough
//_angleToRotate = Vector3.SignedAngle(transform.position, _wayPoints[_currentWayPoint].transform.position, Vector3.up);
This is due to the fact that the taxi model itself has an 90° offset. You can change that with creating a prefab for the taxi model with an empty gameobject as parent and give the taxi the needed 90° offset on the prefab. After that you use the parent object for movement and rotation
Change the direction of the model in blender or any other 3d modeling tool