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How to increment a value on display of v-if?

So to explain why I need to do that : I've got a masonry of photos and I need to add an index to each of those photos.

The thing is I can't relie on the index of my v-for because sometimes it is on purpose an "empty case".

|   | 2 | 3 |
| 1 |---|---|
|   | 4 | 5 |
| 6 |   | 8 |
|---| 7 |---|
| 9 |   | 10|

The code looks like this.

<div v-for="(row, i) in rphotos" :key="i">
    <div v-for="(p, j) in row" :key="i*nbCol+j">
       <div v-if="p"
          <!-- Increment index there -->
       <div v-else class="g-item g-empty" />

However due to vuejs reactivity, my index will always be updated.

An other solution could perhaps be to check through a computed if on the row, g-item is not too a g-empty however I'm not even sure it is possible and yet dont see how precisely I could do this.

My best bet would be to increment a value on display as it is done in PHP template rendering like Smarty or Blade. But since javascript frameworks is meant to be reactive is there a way of doing that ?

Any idea is welcomed.


  • It's not clear what your data looks like, but you can set an index to each item in rphotos before displaying them so you can then access that index inside the v-for with p.index:

    <div v-for="(row, i) in rphotosFiltered">
        <div v-for="(p, j) in row">
           <div v-if="p.index !== null" :data-index="p.index"></div>
           <div v-else/>
    data(): {
      return {
        rphotos: [
            {index: 1, item1: ''},
            {index: null, item2: ''}
            {index: 3, item3: ''}
    computed: {
      rphotosFiltered() {
        // modify "this.rphotos" list here the way you need it
        // return it