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start plink-ssh connection from hta button and pass value to ssh command

I have a little problem with my HTA-vbs script.

This is my VBS script:

strInput = UserInput( "USER:" )
pswInput = UserInput( "PSW:" )

Function UserInput( myPrompt )
       UserInput = InputBox( myPrompt )
End Function

Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

        objShell.Run "plink.exe &  [email protected] -pw PASSWORD -no-antispoof ""

So this is a simple vbs script that launch script in my linux remote machine (I launch this from HTA button). I need only that when I type user and password in a initial textbox, the script save the value and replace USER and PASSWORD when launch the ssh connection.

Is it possible?

Thank you so much. BYE! Angelo


  • Something like this should work:

    Dim sUserName
    Dim sPassword
    Dim objShell
    Dim sCommand
    sUserName = InputBox("USER:")
    sPassword = InputBox("PSW:")
    Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    sCommand = "plink.exe " & sUserName & "@ -pw " & sPassword & " -no-antispoof """""
    objShell.Run sCommand

    You don't need the UserInput function, you can call InputBox directly.

    If you want to save the User Name and Password variables, there are ways to do that also, and you can have them be pre-populated in your InputBox:

    ' Set default values or perhaps read these from the Registry
    sUserName = "admin"
    sPassword = "password"
    sUserName = InputBox("USER:", "Remote Connection", sUserName)
    sPassword = InputBox("PSW:", "Remote Connection", sPassword)