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How to Apply IF Where Condition in Laravel Collation

I need to collect my ticket sections from the array event, and my condition is

if 'custom_times' == 'yes' 

then pick up ticket section with only section_end_time < current date

Sample array Format

 {"event_id":1,"ticket_type":"event", "custom_times":"yes",.....,"ticket_section":[{"section_id":1,"section_end_time":"2019-10-10 12:12:12",..... }]}


$ticket_sections = collect($event->ticket_sections)->map(function($sections) {
return $sections;
})->where('ticket_type', 'event')
  ->where('hide_online', 'no')
  ->when('custom_times' == 'yes', function($query){
     return $query->where('section_end_time', '<' ,$event->current_date_time);

But the above query not return the actual result.



  • I think you've confused the collection with the query builder.

    The when method of the collection needs a boolean value to work and can't work with a condition on the collection members.

    Here's how you can do what you need:

    $ticket_sections = collect($event->ticket_sections)
      ->where('ticket_type', 'event')
      ->where('hide_online', 'no')
      ->filter(function($section) use ($event) {
         return $section->custom_times !== 'yes' 
              || $section->section_end_time < $event->current_date_time;