Search code examples

Laravel: convert the value of metadata into a separate boolean

I am making a voicelog conversation controller for some requests made for the front end to display i am allowing some data and some data needs to be excluded

  public function index(): JsonResponse
        $allowedMetadata = [
            'call_recording', //keep unexposed
            'has_recording // if call recording is true make this true, otherwise false

            'from'  => 'date_format:Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z',
            'until' => 'date_format:Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z',

        $orderBy = request()->has('order_by') ? request('order_by') : "answered_at";
        $direction = request()->has('order_by') && request('direction') === "asc" ? "asc" : "desc";

//some request ordering code...

//some request query parsing code...

        $conversations = $query->paginate();
        foreach ($conversations as &$conversation) {
            foreach ($conversation->metadata as $key => $value) {
                if (!in_array($key, $allowedMetadata)) {
        return response()->json($conversations);

in this case 'call_recording' is a url string which i want to keep unexposed. i want to make that value a boolean called 'has_recording' so that i can display a button in the front end if it is true, and not display if has_recording is false

how do i add an extra value to the api that has this booolean 'has_recording', while unexposing the call_recording url string?

i wanna iterate through all conversations and add a default value 'has_recording' like this in the store() function, but i want to add this value to the metadata

$reqHasCallRecording = false;
        foreach ($request->metadata as $metadataData) {
            if ($metadataData['key'] == 'call_recording') {
                $reqHasCallRecording = true;

i found out you can to this with Eloquent but not sure how to go about it? Any help is appreciated.


  • i solved my problem by iterating through every conversation and setting a new metadata property ' has recording' to true whenever there is a cal recording available

        foreach ($conversations as &$conversation) {
            foreach ($conversation->metadata as $key => $value) {
                if ($key == 'call_recording') {
                    $conversation->metadata['has_recording'] = isset($conversation->metadata['call_recording']);
                if (!in_array($key, $allowedMetadata)) {