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Email Send using AWS SES in Laravel

I tried to send email using AWS SES SMTP and this is how I did.



Code to send email

Mail::raw('This is email test', function ($email_message) {
    $email_message->from('FROM_EMAIL', 'FROM_NAME');
    $email_message->subject('Email Test');
    $email_message->setBody('This is email test', 'text/html');

After run above code, I got this error

TypeError: Symfony\Component\Mime\Message::setBody(): Argument #1 ($body) must be of type ?Symfony\Component\Mime\Part\AbstractPart, string given, called in E:\PetCheck\laravel-api\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Support\Traits\ForwardsCalls.php on line 23 in file E:\PetCheck\laravel-api\vendor\symfony\mime\Message.php on line 45

I am using Laravel 10 and AWS SES Sandbox account.

Can anyone help me to fix this problem?


  • If you insist on using Mail::raw(...), remove the commented line:

    Mail::raw('This is email test', function ($email_message) {
        $email_message->from('${FROM_EMAIL}', '${FROM_NAME}');
        $email_message->subject('Email Test');
        //$email_message->setBody('This is email test', 'text/html');

    HTML emails

    Alternatively, you can use another syntax for html emails:

    // Option 1
    Mail::html('This is email test', function ($email_message) {
        $email_message->from('${FROM_EMAIL}', '${FROM_NAME}');
        $email_message->subject('Email Test');
    // Option 2
    Mail::send(['html' => new HtmlString('This is email test')], function ($email_message) {
        $email_message->from('${FROM_EMAIL}', '${FROM_NAME}');
        $email_message->subject('Email Test');

    Recommended way

    The more expressive and flexible option in Laravel 10 is to create a custom class for your mail:

    php artisan make:mail TestEmail
    namespace App\Mail;
    use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
    use Illuminate\Mail\Mailable;
    use Illuminate\Mail\Mailables\Content;
    use Illuminate\Mail\Mailables\Envelope;
    use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
    class TestEmail extends Mailable
        use Queueable;
        use SerializesModels;
        public function envelope(): Envelope
            return new Envelope(
                from: new Address('${FROM_EMAIL}', '${FROM_NAME}'),
                subject: 'Email Test',
        public function content(): Content
            return new Content(
                view: 'mails.test', // This is relative to resources/views by default

    Send the email:

    Mail::to('${TO_EMAIL}')->send(new TestEmail());