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Laravel casting JSON to array?

I'm trying to convert the a JSON field to array. For example the model is like this:

protected $casts = [
    'content' => 'array'

While in insert the content inside, I do it like this:

'content'=> json_encode([
                'description' => $faker->paragraph(3),
                'about' => $faker->paragraph(2),
                'info' => $faker->paragraph(2),
                'updated' => $faker->dateTimeBetween('-1 years', 'now')

But while getting the data it prints a string, nothing else.

The migration in this part looks like this:


Sample of the output:

"content": "{\"description\":\"Ut quas quo odio illo. Voluptates quia fuga itaque sint. Velit sapiente fugit ea ut ducimus sint tempora eligendi. Ea et molestiae consequuntur quibusdam soluta voluptatem.\",\"about\":\"Aut voluptates et iste ut perspiciatis. Esse sunt ullam inventore sit doloremque et quisquam.\",\"info\":\"Corrupti et facere exercitationem consequatur aspernatur quo saepe. Omnis et tempore enim ut. Quia magnam quia enim et eos enim.\",\"updated\":{\"date\":\"2015-11-22 08:25:13.000000\",\"timezone_type\":3,\"timezone\":\"UTC\"}}",

Any ideas why?


  • When you define a cast to type array you don't need to do any json_encode or json_decode.

    When you want to insert, all you need to do:

    'content'=> [
        'description' => $faker->paragraph(3),
        'about' => $faker->paragraph(2),
        'info' => $faker->paragraph(2),
        'updated' => $faker->dateTimeBetween('-1 years', 'now')

    Laravel will do the rest

    And when you want to get content field data, you simple need to use:


    and you will have here array, so if you want to display description, you simple need to do:

    echo $campaign->content['description'];