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Even after macro substitution can't resolve the variable

I am trying to learn gtest. I have my class Calculator that I want to test.

#pragma  once

// whattotest.cpp
#include <math.h>

class Calculator{
    double squareRoot(const double a) {
        double b = sqrt(a);
        if(b != b) { // nan check
            return -1.0;
            return sqrt(a);

    double add (const double a, const double b){
        return (a + b);

    double multiply(const double a, const double b){
        return (a * b);

I have the test class code below.

#include "gtest_example.hpp"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>

using namespace std;

class CalculatorTest : public ::testing::Test {

    virtual void SetUp() {
        calc = new Calculator();
    virtual void TearDown() {
        delete calc;
    Calculator *calc;

TEST(CalculatorTest, ShouldReturnSum) {

    ASSERT_EQ(72, calc->add(36.0, 36.0));

TEST(CalculatorTest, ShouldReturnProduct) {
    ASSERT_EQ(36, calc.multiply(6.0, 6.0));

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();

In both the ASSERT_EQ lines I get the following errors.

Even after macro substitution can't resolve the variable calc.

What am I doing wrong hee.


  • As you use fixture, you should use macro TEST_F instead of TEST.

    class CalculatorTest : public ::testing::Test {
        Calculator calc;
    TEST_F(CalculatorTest, ShouldReturnSum)
        ASSERT_EQ(72, calc.add(36.0, 36.0));
    TEST_F(CalculatorTest, ShouldReturnProduct)
        ASSERT_EQ(36, calc.multiply(6.0, 6.0));

    Without fixture, you might simply do:

    TEST(CalculatorTest, ShouldReturnSum)
        Calculator calc;
        ASSERT_EQ(72, calc.add(36.0, 36.0));
    TEST(CalculatorTest, ShouldReturnProduct)
        Calculator calc;
        ASSERT_EQ(36, calc.multiply(6.0, 6.0));