I made a little repeating XOR encryptor. You can xor a string of your choice with a key of your choice, and it will optionally output it to a file.
Whenever running the program with a single-word (no spaces) string and key, there are no problems. Whenever there are spaces in either string or key however, the program segfaults on the fopen
line (even though argv[3] is the actual filename, I checked it with a print statement).
Why does it do that?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){
int file=0;
case 3:
case 4:
file = 1;
printf("Repeating XOR encryption. Usage:\n./xor \"Your string\" \"Your key\" \"Output filename\" (optional last parameter)");
return 1;
const char* string = argv[1];
const char* key = argv[2];
int keylen = strlen(key);
int stringlen = strlen(string);
unsigned char buffer[keylen];
unsigned char stringbyte;
unsigned char keybyte;
unsigned char newbyte;
for(int i=0; i<stringlen; i++){
stringbyte = string[i];
keybyte = key[i%keylen];
newbyte = stringbyte ^ keybyte;
buffer[i] = newbyte;
printf("%04d: %c^%c=%02hhx\n", i, stringbyte, keybyte, newbyte);
FILE *fptr;
fptr = fopen(argv[3],"wb");
fwrite(buffer, 1, stringlen, fptr);
for(int i=0; i<stringlen; ++i){
printf("%c", buffer[i] );
return 0;
./xor "multiple words in a sentence" "the Key" "file"
0000: m^t=19
0001: u^h=1d
0002: l^e=09
0003: t^ =54
0004: i^K=22
0005: p^e=15
0006: l^y=15
0007: e^t=11
0008: ^h=48
0009: w^e=12
0010: o^ =4f
0011: r^K=39
0012: d^e=01
0013: s^y=0a
0014: ^t=54
0015: i^h=01
0016: n^e=0b
0017: ^ =00
0018: a^K=2a
0019: ^e=45
0020: s^y=0a
0021: e^t=11
0022: n^h=06
0023: t^e=11
0024: e^ =45
0025: n^K=25
0026: c^e=06
0027: e^y=1c
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
I don't know if this is the answer, but you are looping against stringlen but filling out buffer[i].... buffer is size of keylen, so if stringlen is > keylen length you will get a fault.