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Setting same font type to whole presentation using VBA

I would like to set font type (calibri)of text( where ever there is an alphabet in presentation, it should be "calibri") in every slide by running the single macro using VBA. The problem is, it is unable to change the font present in 'chart', 'flow chart diagram' where it has boxes like rectangle, round cornered rectangles etc.How to manipulate that text as well? Please help!

As shown in the image the font of climate in rectangle is not changing.Different font type in rectangle


  • The solution to this problem is pretty tedious as there are so many different types of shapes and textranges to account for. I can't post my entire solution as I don't own the intellectual property, but this should get you on the right track:

    Sub MakeFontsThemeFonts()
        Dim oSld As Slide
        Dim oShp As Shape
        Dim oShp2 As Shape
        Dim oTxtRange As TextRange
        ' Set majorFont and minorFont to Calibri
        ActivePresentation.SlideMaster.Theme.ThemeFontScheme.majorFont.Item(1) = "Calibri"
        ActivePresentation.SlideMaster.Theme.ThemeFontScheme.minorFont.Item(1) = "Calibri"        
        For Each oSld in ActivePresentation.Slides
            For Each oShp in oSld.Shapes
               If oShp.HasChart Then
                   ' Call your chart handler
               ElseIf oShp.HasTable Then
                   ' Call your table handler
               ElseIf oShp.HasSmartArt Then
                   ' Call your SmartArt handler
               ElseIf oShp.HasTextFrame Then
                   If oShp.HasText Then
                       Set oTxtRange = oShp.TextFrame.TextRange
                       Call RefontTextRange (oTxtRange)
                   End If
               ElseIf oShp.Type = msoGroup Then
                   For Each oShp2 in oShp.GroupItems
                        If oShp2.Type = ... Then
                             ' And so on, you wind up having to check for 
                             ' everything that's grouped all over again
                        End If
               End If
    End Sub
    Sub RefontTextRange (oTxtRange As TextRange)
       With oTxtRange.Font
           ' Sets the textrange to the body font.  If you want to make some stuff the heading font and some stuff the body font, you need to do more checking before sending here
           .Name = "+mn-lt"
       End With
    End Sub  

    So that's the start of the solution, but this will get maddening for a few reasons. For tables, you'll have to parse the TextRange of every cell individually and pass those TextRanges on to your Refont sub. For charts, you may have to check for every imaginable chart element before setting your TextRange and refonting (my case was more complex than just setting the font to be the theme font, and I didn't have success trying to format the ChartArea all at once).

    Are you having the issue with "floating" shapes inside of a chart? When you say "flow chart," is that an embedded Visio diagram or native SmartArt? There are many ways to skin this cat, but the solution will require you to identify every possible type of text container that can be accessed using VBA.

    Here's one more tip that might help you get at those floating shapes within charts:

    oShp.Chart.Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = "+mn-lt"

    But of course first you need to make sure you've got a chart, that it's got shapes in it, that those shapes have a textframe...