See, I have a loop in plantuml
etl -> kafka:
kafka -> linda:
linda --> kafka:
kafka --> etl:
Now I want to change the border color of loop group from Black to DodgerBlue, neither
skinparam sequence {
SequenceGroupBorderColor DodgerBlue
skinparam loop {
SequenceGroupBorderColor DodgerBlue
works, the documentation work of PlantUML is so poor, I can hardly find any detail things, how to deal with this work?
The following does work for me:
skinparam Sequence {
GroupBorderColor #ff0000
skinparam {
SequenceGroupBorderColor #ff0000
To get all possible skin parameters use:
java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar plantuml.jar -language
and browse through the result.
See for a small (incomplete) description of the skin parameters.
Edit: My initial: "Looks a bit like the color mnemonics don't work (maybe raise an issue at" is not correct. I must have made a typo somewhere. retried with the comment from OP and it did work with DodgerBlue.