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linked list C++ , question selflearning

        #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;

    struct Node
        int item;   // storage for the node's item
        Node* next;   // pointer to the next node 

  Node* addNode(Node*& head, int data , int& count) 
    Node * q;     // new node
    q = new Node;  // allocate memory for the new mode
    q->item = data;  // inserting data for the new node
    q->next = head;   // point to previous node ?? how would i do that? ( am i doing it correctly?)
    count++; // keep track of number of node
    head = q;
    return q;

    int main()
        int a, count=0;
        int data;
        bool repeat;
        Node *head= NULL;   
        //^^ assuming thats creating the first node ^^
        cout << "please enter the data for the next node" <<endl;
        cin >> data;
        addNode(head, data, count);
        cout << "do you wish to enter another node? (enter true or false)" << endl;
        cin >>repeat;
       while (repeat == true);

       // assuming this is the print function  
          while(head != NULL)
            cout << "output" << temp->item << endl;
            cout << temp->next << endl;

        return 0; 

okey i tried adding a new element in the list how would i move the head around like a LIFO memory (stack) so the last element is on the very top..

any help would be appreciated ! The pointers and the nodes are messing with my brain lately ....


  • Since I'm not sure every answer completely answers it, here's a linked list implementation (written without testig:

    // your (correct) structure
    struct Node
        float item;   // storage for the node's item
        Node* next;   // pointer to the next node 

    Now we need two pointers somewhere to look after the list:

    /* some pointers */
    struct List
        Node* head;
        Node* tail;

    Now we need to create some elements. As others have said, you can do that with new:

    /* create some elements we want to link in */
    Node* elem1 = new Node();
    Node* elem2 = new Node();
    Node* elem3 = new Node();
    /* maybe even set their properties! */
    elem1->item = 3.14;
    elem2->item = 3.14;
    elem3->item = 3.14;

    Notice how I didn't try to add these elements to a list yet? That's because I've got a function in mind which looks like this:

    void addtolist(List &list, Node* node)
        /* if no head, initialise the list */
        if ( list->head == NULL )
            list->head = node;
            list->tail = node;
        else if ( list->head != NULL && list->tail != NULL )
            /* access the tail element and set its 
               next to this ptr. 
               Move tail to this node */
            list->tail->next = node;
            list->tail = node;
            /* probably raise an exception! */

    You can call this by doing this:

    List l;
    addtolist(l, elem1); /* etc */

    Deleting elements is somewhat more tricky, since you have to go to that element, remember its previous element, grab it's next element, join them up and delete the Node* you're on.

    Now for traversing lists... your terminology HEAD|TAIL reminds me of Erlang and tail recursion, where the current element is referred to as the head and the remainder the tail. If I write:

    Node* cur = l.head;
    while ( cur != NULL )
        // do something with cur.item ? 
        cur = cur->next;

    You can see this happening. Replacing cur with head here would be harmless thanks to the List struct.

    Finally, I've used a very C-like approach here, but there's scope for templates:

    template<typename T>
    struct node
        T item;   // storage for the node's item
        Node<T>* next;   // pointer to the next node 

    and encapsulating the List struct as a class:

    template<typename T>
    class List
        Node<T>* head;
        Node<T>* tail;
        void addtolist(Node<T>* node);
        Node<T>* gethead();
        Node<T>* gettail();

    Which brings you a little bit closer to std::list.